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snap vt.猛咬,突然折断

/ snAp /

(snapped, snapping)
1. break or cause to break suddenly and completely, typically with a sharp cracking sound[no obj.]
• 啪地折断
 »guitar strings kept snapping.
 »[with obj.] dead twigs can be snapped off.
  [no obj.] emit a sudden, sharp cracking sound
• 发出劈啪声
 »banners snapping in the breeze.
  [no obj.] (of an animal) make a sudden audible bite
• (动物)突然出声咬
 »a dog was snapping at his heels.
  [withobj. and complement or adverbial] cause to move or alter in a specified way with a brisk movement and typically a sharp sound
• 使吧嗒一声(快速移动或改变状态)
 »Rosa snapped her bag shut.
  [no obj., with complement or adverbial] move or alter in this way
• 吧嗒一声地快速移动(或改变状态)
 »his mouth snapped into a tight, straight line.
  [no obj.] (figurative)suddenly lose one's self-control
[喻] 突然失去自控
 »she claims she snapped after years of violence.
  [reporting verb] say something quickly and irritably to someone
• 急促地说,怒声说
 »[noobj.] McIllvanney snapped at her.
 »[with direct speech] ‘I really don't much care,’ she snapped.
2. [with obj.] take a snapshot of
• 给…拍摄快照
 »he planned to spend the time snapping rare wildlife.
 »[no obj.] photographers were snapping away at her.
3. [with obj.] [American Football] put (the ball) into play by a quick backward movement
[美橄] 快速后传(球)
1. a sudden, sharp cracking sound or movement
• 喀嚓声;劈啪声(或动作)
 »she closed her purse with a snap.
  [in sing.] a hurried, irritable tone or manner
• 不耐烦的语调(或样子)
 »‘I'm still waiting,’ he said with a snap.
  [mass noun] vigour or liveliness of style or action; zest
• (风格或动作)充满活力;热情
 »the snap of the dialogue.
2. a snapshot
• 快照
 »holiday snaps.
3. [mass noun] [Brit.] a card game in which cards from two piles are turned over simultaneously and players call ‘snap’ as quickly as possible when two similar cards are exposed
[英] 呼“同”牌戏(在桌面两堆牌同时翻开时,抢先认出两张相同牌的人就喊“snap” [同]并为赢家)
  [as exclamation] said when one notices that one has or does the identical thing to someone else
• [发现与人相同时发出的惊讶声]哎呀
 »‘Snap!’ They looked at each other's ties with a smile.
4. [mass noun] [N. English] food, especially food taken to work to be eaten during a break
[北英格兰] 食物(尤指带到工作地点吃的)
5. [in sing.] [N. Amer. informal] an easy task
[北美,非正式] 容易的事
 »a control panel that makes operation a snap.
6. (usu. snaps)[N. Amer.] a press stud
[北美] 摁扣
1. [attrib.] done or taken on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly, or without notice
• 迅速的,突然的,无事先通知的
 »a snap judgement.
 »he could call a snap election.
in a snap
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)in a moment; almost immediately
[非正式,主北美] 立即,马上
 »gourmet-quality meals are ready in a snap.
snap one's fingers --› see finger
snap someone's head off --› see head
snappingly adverb
1. late 15th cent. (in the senses 'make a sudden audible bite' and 'quick sharp biting sound'): probably from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German snappen 'seize'; partly imitative
snap out of
1. [often in imperative] [informal] get out of (a bad or unhappy mood) by a sudden effort
[非正式] 迅速努力从(坏情绪)中恢复过来
 »come on, Fran—snap out of it!.
snap something up
1. quickly and eagerly buy or secure something that is in short supply or being sold cheaply
• 抢购(紧缺或廉价货)
 »all the tickets have been snapped up.

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