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soon ad.不久,即刻;快,早

/ su:n /

1. in or after a short time
• 不久;很快
 »everyone will soon know the truth.
 »he'll be home soon.
 »they arrived soon after 7.30.
• 早;快
 »how soon can you get here?
 »it's a pity you have to leave so soon.
 »I wish you'd told me sooner.
 »it was too soon to know.
2. used to indicate one's preference in a particular matter
• 宁可,宁愿
 »I'd just as soon Tim did it.
 »I would sooner resign than transfer to Toronto.
no sooner —— than
1. used to convey that the second event mentioned happens immediately after the first
• 一…就…
 »she had no sooner spoken than the telephone rang.
sooner or later
1. at some future time; eventually
• 早晚;迟早
 »you'll have to tell him sooner or later.
sooner rather than later
1. before much time has gone by
• 越早越好
 »I would be grateful if you would come to your senses sooner rather than later.
soonish adverb
1. Old English sōna 'immediately', of West Germanic origin
1. In standard English, the phrase no sooner is followed by than, as in we had no sooner arrived than we had to leaveThis is because sooner is a comparative, and comparatives are followed by thanearlier than; better thanand so on). It is incorrect to follow no sooner with when rather than than, as in we had no sooner arrived when we had to leave

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