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sophisticate v 使精致;使老于世故(sophist+icate→成为诡辩家→老于世故)

/ sE5fIstI7keIt /

verb, [with obj.]
1. cause (a person or their thoughts, attitudes, and expectations) to become less simple or straightforward through education or experience
• (通过教育或经验)使(人,思想,态度,期望)不再单纯(或直率),使老于世故
 »readers who have been sophisticated by modern literary practice.
  develop (something such as a piece of equipment or a technique) into a more complex form
• 使(设备、技术等)更完备(或复杂先进)
 »a function that many other software applications have sophisticated.
  [no obj.] (archaic)talk or reason in an impressively complex and educated manner
[古] (老练地)讲话(或推理)
  (archaic)mislead or corrupt (a person, an argument, the mind, etc.) by sophistry
[古] 通过诡辩误导(或曲解)(人、论点、思想等)
 »books of casuistry, which sophisticate the understanding and defile the heart.
1. (archaic)sophisticated
[古] 老于世故的
1. a person with much worldly experience and knowledge of fashion and culture
• 老于世故的人;精通时尚和文化的人
 »he is still the butt of jokes made by New York sophisticates.
sophistication noun
1. late Middle English (as an adjective in the sense 'adulterated', and as a verb in the sense 'mix with a foreign substance'): from medieval Latin sophisticatus 'tampered with', past participle of the verb sophisticare, from sophisticus 'sophistic'. The shift of sense probably occurred first in the adjective unsophisticated, from 'uncorrupted' via 'innocent' to 'inexperienced, uncultured'. The noun dates from the early 20th cent

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