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sorry a.对不起,抱歉的;难过,悔恨的;使人伤心

/ 5sCri /

(sorrier, sorriest)
1. [predic.] feeling distress, especially through sympathy with someone else's misfortune
• (尤指对别人的不幸深为同情)难过的
 »I was sorry to hear about what happened to your family.
  (sorry for)filled with compassion for
• 对…感到同情
 »he could't help feeling sorry for her when he heard how she'd been treated.
  feeling regret or penitence
• 感到遗憾(或后悔)
 »he said he was sorry he had upset me.
 »I'm sorry if I was a bit brusque.
  used as an expression of apology
• 对不起
 »sorry—I was trying not to make a noise.
  used as a polite request that someone should repeat something that one has failed to hear or understand
• 没听清;请再讲一遍
 »I'm sorry—you were saying?
2. [attrib.] in a poor or pitiful state or condition
• 可怜的
 »he looks a sorry sight with his broken jaw.
  unpleasant and regrettable, especially on account of incompetence or misbehaviour
• (尤指由于无能或错误行为而)令人遗憾的,令人过意不去的
 »we feel so ashamed that we keep quiet about the whole sorry business.
sorry for oneself
1. sad and self-pitying
• 对自己的遭遇伤心不平
sorrily adverb
sorriness noun
1. Old English sārig 'pained, distressed', of West Germanic origin, from the base of the noun sore. The shortening of the root vowel has given the word an apparent connection with the unrelated sorrow

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