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sort n.种类,类别;(某种)性格 vt.分类,整理

/ sC:t /

1. a category of things or people having some common feature; a type
• 一类人(或事);种类
 »if only we knew the sort of people she was mixing with.
 »a radical change poses all sorts of questions.
  [with adj.] [informal] a person of a specified character or nature
[非正式] 一类人,一种人
 »Frank was a genuinely friendly sort.
  (archaic)a manner or way
[古] 程度,方式
 »in law also the Judge is in a sort superior to his King.
2. [mass noun] [Computing] the arrangement of data in a prescribed sequence
[计算机] (资料、数据)分类,排序
verb, [with obj.]
1. arrange systematically in groups; separate according to type, class, etc.
• 整理;(按类型、等级等)分类
 »she sorted out the clothes, some to be kept, some to be thrown away.
  (sort through)look at (a group of things) one after another in order to classify them or make a selection
• 整理
 »she sat down and sorted through her mail.
2. resolve (a problem or difficulty)
• 解决(问题,困难)
 »the teacher helps the children to sort out their problems.
  resolve the problems or difficulties of (someone)
• 解决(某人)的难题
 »I need time to sort myself out.
after a sort
1. [dated] after a fashion
[旧] 勉强,略微
in some sort
1. to a certain extent
• 在某种程度上
 »I am in some sort indebted to you.
it takes all sorts to make a world
1. (proverb)people vary greatly in character, tastes, and abilities (often used as a comment on what the speaker feels to be strange behaviour)
[谚] 世上的人无奇不有(常用来表示说话人对某种奇怪行为的评价)
 »he was wearing make-up—well, it takes all sorts.
nothing of the sort
1. used as an emphatic way of denying permission or refuting an earlier statement or assumption
• [用来断然否定或反驳先前的话语或设想] 绝对不行,没那回事儿
 »‘I'll pay.’ ‘You'll do nothing of the sort.’.
of a sort
1. (或 of sorts)[informal] of a somewhat unusual and typically inferior kind
[非正式] 勉强称得上的,有点不寻常的
 »the training camp actually became a tourist attraction of sorts.
out of sorts
1. slightly unwell
• 身体稍有不适
 »feeling nauseous and generally out of sorts.
  in low spirits; irritable
• 情绪低落;易怒的
 »the trying events of the day had put him out of sorts.
sort of
1. [informal] to some extent; in some way or other (used to convey inexactness or vagueness)
[非正式] 有点儿(表达不确切或模糊)
 »‘Do you see what I mean?’ ‘Sort of,’ answered Jean cautiously.
sort out the men from the boys
1. show or prove who is the best at a particular activity
• 选出强者,选出能手
the —— sort
1. the kind of person likely to do or be involved with the thing specified
• 那种人
 »she'd never imagined Steve to be the marrying sort.
sorter adjective
sorter noun
1. late Middle English: from Old French sorte, from an alteration of Latin sors, sort- 'lot, condition'
1. The construction these sort of, as in I don't want to answer these sort of questionsis technically ungrammatical. This is because these is plural and needs to agree with a plural noun (in this case sorts rather than sort). However, the construction is undoubtedly common and has in fact been used for hundreds of years. There are some grammarians who analyse the construction differently, seeing the words 'these sort of' as a single invariable unit. For more details, see usage at kind
sort someone out
1. [informal] deal with someone who is causing trouble, typically by restraining, reprimanding, or punishing them
[非正式] 惩处,教训
 »if he can't pay you, I'll sort him out.
sort something out
1. separate something from a mixed group
• 拣出,挑选
 »she started sorting out the lettuce from the spinach.
2. arrange ; prepare
• 安排;准备
 »they are anxious to sort out travelling arrangements.

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