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south n.南方,南部 a.南方的,南部的 ad.在南方

/ sauW /

noun, [一般作 the south]
1. the direction towards the point of the horizon 90° clockwise from east, or the point on the horizon itself
• 南
 »the breeze came from the south.
 »they trade with the countries to the south.
  the compass point corresponding to this
• 南方
2. the southern part of the world or of a specified country, region, or town
• (世界或一个特定的国家、地区、城镇的)南部
 »he was staying in the south of France.
  [一般作 the South] the southern part of England
• 英格兰南部
  [一般作 the South] the Southern states of the United States
• 美国南部各州
  [一般作 the South] the less industrialized and economically advanced nations of the world
• 南方不发达国家
3. [as name] [South] [Bridge] the player sitting opposite and partnering North
[桥牌] 坐在南首位置的人
adjective, [attrib.]
1. lying towards, near, or facing the south
• 位于南方的;靠近南方的;朝南的
 »the south coast.
  (of a wind) blowing from the south
• (风)来自南方的
2. of or denoting the southern part of a specified area, city, or country or its inhabitants
• (特定地区、城市或国家的)南部或其南部居民的
 »South America.
1. to or towards the south
• 向南方;朝南
 »they journeyed south along the valley.
 »the village is a few miles south of Cambridge.
1. [no obj.] move towards the south
• 朝南移动
 »the wind southed a point or two.
  (of a celestial body) cross the meridian
• (天体)穿过子午线
down south
1. [informal] to or in the south of a country
[非正式] 向国家的南方;在国家的南方
go south
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)fall in value, deteriorate, or fail
[非正式,主北美] 贬值;恶化;失败
south by east (或 west)
1. between south and south-south-east (or south-south-west)
• 南偏东(或西)
1. Old English sūth, of Germanic origin; related to Low German sud

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