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sow v.插种;使产生(情感、想法等)

/ sEu /

(past sowed səʊd; past participle sown səʊn 或sowed), [with obj.]
1. plant (seed) by scattering it on or in the earth
• 播(种)
 »fill a pot with compost and sow a thin layer of seeds on top.
  plant the seeds of (a plant or crop)
• 种(植物,庄稼)
 »catch crops should be sown after minimal cultivation.
  plant (a piece of land) with seed
• 在(一块地)播种
 »the field used to be sown with oats.
  (be sown with)be thickly covered with
• 布满;覆盖
 » we walked through a valley sown with boulders.
  lay or plant (an explosive mine) or cover (territory) with mines
• 埋(地雷);将(一地区)布上地雷
 »the field had both British and German mines sown in it.
   cause to appear or spread
• 使出现;传播
 »the new policy has sown confusion and doubt.
sow the seed [或seeds] of
1. do something which will eventually bring about (a particular result, especially a disastrous one)
• 埋下…的种子(尤指最后会带来恶果的事情)
 »the seeds of dissension had been sown.
sower noun
1. Old English sāwan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zaaien and German säen
1. an adult female pig, especially one which has farrowed
• (尤指产过仔猪的)母猪
  the female of certain other mammals, e.g. the guinea pig
• 某些雌性哺乳动物(如豚鼠)
2. a large block of metal (larger than a ‘pig’) made by smelting
• 铁锭
you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear
1. (proverb)you can't create a fine product from inferior materials
[谚] 劣材难成器
1. Old English sugu; related to Dutch zeug, German Sau, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sus and Greek hus 'pig'

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