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space n.间隔;空地;空间,太空 v.留间隔,隔开

/ speis /

noun, [mass noun]
1. a continuous area or expanse which is free, available, or unoccupied
• 空间
 »a table took up much of the space.
 »[count noun] we shall all be living together in a small space.
 »he reversed out of the parking space.
  [count noun] an area of land which is not occupied by buildings
• 空地
 »she had a love of open spaces.
  [count noun] a blank between printed, typed, or written words, characters, numbers, etc
• (印刷、打字、书写的词语、字母和数字之间的)间隔,空格,空铅
  [count noun] [Music] each of the four gaps between the five lines of a stave
[乐] (谱表的)线间空白;线间
  an interval of time (often used to suggest that the time is short considering what has happened or been achieved in it)
• 一段时间;期间
 »both their cars were stolen in the space of three days.
  pages in a newspaper, or time between television or radio programmes, available for advertising
• 报纸的专页;(电视、电台节目间)插播广告的时间
  (也作 commercial space)an area rented or sold as business premises
• (出租或出售的)商铺
  the amount of paper used or needed to write about a subject
• 篇幅
 »there is no space to give further details.
  the freedom and scope to live, think, and develop in a way that suits one
• (适合于自己生活、思考和发展的)自由空间
 »a teenager needing her own space.
  [Telecommunications] one of two possible states of a signal in certain systems
[电信] 空号。
【OPP】 mark
2. the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move
• 空间
 »the work gives the sense of a journey in space and time.
  (也作 outer space)the physical universe beyond the earth's atmosphere
• (地球大气层以外的)外层空间
  the near-vacuum extending between the planets and stars, containing small amounts of gas and dust
• (行星和恒星之间,只含少量气体和灰尘的、近乎真空的)空间
  [Mathematics] a mathematical concept generally regarded as a set of points having some specified structure
[数] 空间
1. [with obj.] [常作be spaced] position (two or more items) at a distance from one another
• 把(两个或两个以上事物)分隔开
 »the houses are spaced out.
  (in printing or writing) put blanks between (words, letters, or lines)
• (印刷或书写中)在(词语,字母,行)之间加空格
 »[as noun spacing] the default setting is single line spacing.
2. (be spaced out 或主美 space out)[informal] be or become euphoric or disorientated, especially from taking drugs; cease to be aware of one's surroundings
[非正式] (尤指因使用致幻毒品而)感受到快感(或变得迷迷糊糊);迷幻
 »I was so tired that I began to feel totally spaced out.
 »I kind of space out for a few minutes.
watch this space
1. [informal] further developments are expected and more information will be given later
[非正式] 关注进一步的发展
spacer noun
1. Middle English: shortening of Old French espace, from Latin spatium. Current verb senses date from the late 17th cent

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