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span v.横跨,横越n. 跨距, 跨度

/ spAn /

1. the full extent of something from end to end; the amount of space that something covers
• 全长;距离;范围
 »a warehouse with a clear span of 28 feet.
  the length of time for which something lasts
• 持续时间;一段时间
 »a short concentration span.
  the wingspan of an aircraft or a bird
• 飞机的翼展;鸟翼
  an arch or part of a bridge between piers or supports
• 桥孔;(桥墩间的)墩距
  the maximum distance between the tips of the thumb and little finger, taken as the basis of a measurement equal to 9 inches
• 拇指尖与小指尖之间的最大距离(常作测量的基础,等于9英寸)
  (archaic)a short distance or time
[古] 短距离;短促的时间
(spanned, spanning)
1. [with obj.] (of a bridge, arch, etc.) extend from side to side of
• (桥、拱等)横跨,跨越
 »the stream was spanned by a narrow bridge.
  extend across (a period of time or a range of subjects)
• 持续(一段时间);包括,涉及(一系列的主题)
 »their interests span almost all the conventional disciplines.
  cover or enclose with the length of one's hand
• 用手覆盖(或环绕)
 »her waist was slender enough for him to span with his hands.
1. Old English, 'distance between the tips of the thumb and little finger', of Germanic origin; reinforced in Middle English by Old French espan
1. [Nautical] a rope with its ends fastened at different points to a spar or other object in order to provide a purchase
[航海] 跨绳
2. a team of people or animals, in particular
• 一队人(或动物),尤指
  [N. Amer.] a matched pair of horses, mules, or oxen
[北美] 共轭马(或骡子、公牛)
  [S. African] a team of two or more pairs of oxen
[南非] 一队包括两组(或两组以上)的共轭牛
  [S. African] a gang, especially a work gang of prisoners
[南非] 一伙人(尤指一伙参加劳动的犯人)
3. (a span)[S. African informal] a lot
[南非,非正式] 很多
 »thanks a span.
1. [with obj.] [S. African] yoke (an animal)
[南非] 给(动物)套上轭
 »he spanned his donkeys to the cart.
1. mid 16th cent. (as a verb): from Dutch or Low German spannen. The noun (originally in nautical use) dates from the mid 18th cent
--› see spick and span
span4(chiefly archaic)[主古]
1. past of spin
• spin 的过去式

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