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spare v.让给,抽出(时间);饶恕 a.剩余的/备用的

/ spZE /

1. additional to what is required for ordinary use
• 多余的
 »few people had spare cash for inessentials.
  not currently in use or occupied
• 暂时空闲的
 »a spare seat.
2. with no excess fat; thin
• 瘦削的
 »a spare, bearded figure.
  elegantly simple
• 简洁
 »her clothes are smart and spare in style.
1. an item kept in case another item of the same type is lost, broken, or worn out
• 备用品
2. (in tenpin bowling) an act of knocking down all the pins with two balls
• (十柱保龄球戏中的)二击全倒
1. [with two objs] give (something of which one has enough) to (someone); afford to give to
• 把(某人手头上充裕的东西)让给;借给
 »she asked if I could spare her a bob or two.
  make free or available
• 抽出时间
 »I'm sure you can spare me a moment.
  [no obj.] (archaic)be frugal
[古] 节俭
 »but some will spend, and some will spare.
2. [with obj.] refrain from killing, injuring, or distressing
• 使不受伤害
 »there was no way the men would spare her.
  [with two objs] refrain from inflicting (something) on (someone)
• 使免遭;解除
 »the country had until now been spared the violence occurring elsewhere.
  (spare oneself)[with negative] try to ensure or satisfy one's own comfort or needs
• 保证(或满足)自己的需要
 »in her concern to help others, she has never spared herself.
go spare
Brit. informal
1. become extremely angry or distraught
• 非常恼火
2. be unwanted or not needed and therefore available for use
• 闲置的
 »I didn't have much money going spare.
spare someone's blushes --› see blush
spare no expense (或 no expense spared)
1. be prepared to pay any amount (used to indicate the importance of achieving something)
• 不惜任何代价
spare the rod and spoil the child --› see rod
spare a thought for
1. remember
• 记得
 »spare a thought for our volunteer group at Christmas.
to spare
1. left over
• 剩下
 »that turkey will feed ten people with some to spare.
sparely adverb
spareness noun
sparer noun
1. (rare).)
1. Old English spær 'not plentiful, meagre', sparian 'refrain from injuring', refrain from using, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German sparen 'to spare'

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