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speak v.说话,讲话;演说,发言;(in)说某种语言

/ spi:k /

(past spoke ; past participle spoken ), [no obj.]
1. say something in order to convey information, an opinion, or a feeling
• 说话,讲话
 »in his agitation he was unable to speak.
 »she refused to speak about the incident.
  have a conversation
• 谈话,交谈
 »I wish to speak privately with you.
 »I'll speak to him if he rings up.
  [with obj.] utter (a word, message, speech, etc.)
• 说(话、信息、言语等)
 »patients copy words spoken by the therapist.
  [with obj.] communicate in or be able to communicate in (a specified language)
• (会)讲(某种语言)
 »my mother spoke Russian.
  make a speech before an audience or a contribution to a debate
• 发言;(辩论中)发言
 »twenty thousand people attended to hear him speak.
  (speak for)express the views or position of (another person or group)
• 为(另一个人,另一群人)说话
 »he claimed to speak for the majority of local people.
  convey one's views or position indirectly
• 间接表达意见(或立场)
 »speaking through his solicitor, he refused to join the debate.
  (speak of)mention or discuss in speech or writing
• (发言或写作中)提到,谈及
 »the books speak of betrayal.
  (of behaviour, a quality, an event, etc.) serve as evidence for something
• (行为、性质、事件等)表明;显示
 »her harping on him spoke strongly of a crush.
 »[with obj.] his frame spoke tiredness.
  [with obj. and infinitive or adverbial] (archaic)show or manifest (someone or something) to be in a particular state or to possess a certain quality
[古] 证明;显示
 »she had seen nothing that spoke him of immoral habits.
  (of an object that typically makes a sound when it functions) make a characteristic sound
• (运作时常发出声音的物体)发出特有的响声
 »the gun spoke again.
  (of an organ pipe or other musical instrument) make a sound
• (管风琴管子,其他乐器)发出声音
 »insufficient air circulates for the pipes to speak.
  (of a hound) bark
• (猎狗)吠
  [withobj.] [Nautical, archaic] hail and hold communication with (a ship) at sea
[航海古] (航海时)与(船只)打招呼,联络
2. (speak to)talk to in order to reprove or advise
• 责备;劝告
 »she tried to speak to Seb about his drinking.
  talk to in order to give or extractinformation
• 通风报信;窃取情报
 »he had spoken to the police.
  discuss or comment on formally
• (正式地)讨论;评价
 »the Church wants to speak to real issues.
  appeal or relate to
• 吸引;认同;与…相关
 »the story spoke to him directly.
not to speak of
1. used in introducing a further factor to be considered
• 更不要说
 »the rent had to be paid, not to speak of school fees.
nothing (或 no——, none) to speak of
1. used to indicate that there is some but very little of something
• [表明只有非常少的一点]不值一提
 »I've no capital—well, none to speak of.
something speaks for itself
1. something's implications are so clear that it needs no supporting evidence or comments
• 无需进一步说明,不言而喻
 »the figures speak for themselves.
speak for oneself
1. give one's own opinions
• 发表个人意见
  [in imperative] used to tell someone that what they have said may apply to them but does not apply to others
• 仅对某人自己而言情况如此
 »‘This is such a boring place.’ ‘Speak for yourself—I like it.’.
speak in tongues
1. speak in an unknown language during religious worship
• (在宗教拜神仪式中)讲不为人知的语言
speaking of
1. used to introduce a statement or question about a topic recently alluded to
• [引入最近谈到过的一个话题]谈起;提到
 »speaking of cost, can I afford to buy it?
speak one's mind
1. express one's feelings or opinions frankly
• 说出心里话
speak volumes
1. (of a gesture, circumstance, or object) convey a great deal
• (姿态,环境,物体)含义深刻,意味深长
 »a look that spoke volumes.
  be good evidence for
• 有力地证明
 »his record speaks volumes for his determination.
speak well (或 ill) of
1. praise (or criticize)
• 表扬(或批评)
speakable adjective
1. Old English sprecan, later specan, of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch spreken and German sprechen
speak out (或 up)
1. express one's feelings or opinions frankly and publicly
• 坦诚地说;公开地说出
 »the government will be forthright in speaking out against human rights abuses.
speak up
1. speak more loudly
• 更大声地说
 »We can't hear you. Speak up!.
  我们听不见你说的话。大点声儿!。 --› see speak out
speak up for
1. speak in defence or support of
• 为…辩护;支持
 »there was no independent body to speak up for press freedoms.

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