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specific 具体的

/ spi5sifik /

1. clearly defined or identified
• 确切的;具体的
 »savings were made by increasing the electricity supply only until it met specific development needs.
  precise and clear in making statements or issuing instructions
• (声明或作指示)清楚的;明确的;具体的
 »when ordering goods be specific.
  belonging or relating uniquely to a particular subject
• 特有的;特定的
 »information needs are often very specific to companies and individuals.
2. [Biology] of, relating to, or connected with species or a species
[生] 种的
3. (of a duty or a tax) levied at a fixed rate per physical unit of the thing taxed, regardless of its price
• (关税,税)按数量(每件有固定税率)征取而不按货价征取的
4. [Physics] of or denoting a number equal to the ratio of the value of some property of a given substance to the value of the same property of some other substance used as a reference, such as water, or of a vacuum, under equivalent conditions
[物理] 比率的
  of or denoting a physical quantity expressed in terms of a unit mass, volume, or other measure, in order to give a value independent of the properties or scale of the particular system studied
• 比率
1. (chiefly dated)a medicine or remedy effective in treating a particular disease or part of the body
[主旧] 特效药
2. [常作 specifics] a precise detail
• 详情;细节
specifically adverb
1. [sentence adverb]
specificity noun
specificness noun
1. mid 17th cent. (originally in the sense 'having a special determining quality'): from late Latin specificus, from Latin species (see species )

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