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spill n.(人)摔下,跌下

/ spil /

(past and past participle spilt 或 spilled)
1. [with obj.] cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, especially unintentionally
• (尤指无意中)溢出;泼出
 »you'll spill that tea if you're not careful.
 »azaleas spilled cascades of flowers over the pathways.
  [no obj.] (of liquid) flow over the edge of its container
• (液体)溢出
 »some of the wine spilled on to the floor.
 »years of frustration spilled over into violence.
  [no obj.] (of the contents of something) be emptied out on to a surface
• (东西)倒出;洒落;散落
 »passengers’ baggage had spilled out of the hold.
  cause or allow (the contents of something) to be emptied out on to a surface
• 使(容器中的东西)倒出,散落
 »the bag fell to the floor, spilling out its contents.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of a number of people) move out of somewhere quickly
• (一群人)迅速涌出
 »students began to spill out of the building.
  (in the context of ball games) drop (the ball)
• (球赛中)掉球
  [informal] reveal (confidential information) to someone
[非正式] 向(某人)说出秘密
 »he was reluctant to spill her address.
  cause (someone) to fall off a horse or bicycle
• 使(某人)从马上(或自行车上)摔下来
 »the horse was wrenched off course, spilling his rider.
  [Sailing] let (wind) out of a sail, typically by slackening the sheets
[航海] 减少(帆)的受风压力(多指把帆放松)
1. a quantity of liquid that has spilled or been spilt
• 溢出液;被溢出液
 »a 25-tonne oil spill.
 »wipe up spills immediately.
  an instance of a liquid spilling or being spilt
• 液体溢出
 »he was absolved from any blame for the oil spill.
2. a fall from a horse or bicycle
• 从马上(或自行车上)摔下
3. [Austral.] a vacating of all or several posts in a cabinet or parliamentary party to allow reorganization after one important change of office
[澳] 职位空缺(某一重要职务调动后将内阁或议会中政党人员的职位全部或部分空出以便进行改组)
spill the beans
1. [informal] reveal secret information unintentionally or indiscreetly
[非正式] 无意中(或不慎)泄露秘密
spill (someone's) blood
1. kill or wound people
• 杀人(或伤人)
spill one's guts
1. [informal] reveal copious information to someone in an uninhibited way
[非正式] 无保留地透露大量信息,和盘托出
1. Old English spillan 'kill, destroy, waste, shed (blood'); of unknown origin
spiller noun

1. a thin strip of wood or paper used for lighting a fire, candle, pipe, etc.
• (用以点火、蜡烛、烟斗等的)木片,纸捻
1. Middle English (in the sense 'sharp fragment of wood'): obscurely related to spile. The current sense dates from the early 19th cent

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