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spirit n.精神,心灵;气概;[pl.]心情/情绪;烈酒

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1. the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character; the soul
• (与肉体相对的)精神;心灵;心;心智
 »we seek a harmony between body and spirit.
  such a part regarded as a person's true self and as capable of surviving physical death or separation
• 灵魂,精神
 »a year after he left, his spirit is still present.
  such a part manifested as an apparition after their death; a ghost
• 幽灵;鬼魂
  a supernatural being
• 神灵
 »shrines to nature spirits.
  [Spirit] . short for Holy Spirit
• Holy Spirit 的简称
  (archaic)a highly refined substance or fluid thought to govern vital phenomena
[古] 元气
2. [in sing.] those qualities regarded as forming the definitive or typical elements in the character of a person, nation, or group or in the thought and attitudes of a particular period
• (个人、民族或群体的)精神实质,气质;(特定时期内社会的)思想实质或核心思想,(时代)精神
 »the university is a symbol of the nation's egalitarian spirit.
  [with adj.] a person identified with their most prominent mental or moral characteristics or with their role in a group or movement
• (具有特定品质的)人物;(在特定群体或活动中发挥某种作用的)人物
 »he was a leading spirit in the conference.
  a specified emotion or mood, especially one prevailing at a particular time
• (特定时期的)主要倾向;思想情绪
 »I hope the team will build on this spirit of confidence.
  (spirits)a person's mood
• 情绪,心情
 »the warm weather lifted everyone's spirits after the winter.
  [mass noun] the quality of courage, energy, and determination or assertiveness
• 气魄;锐气
 »his visitors admired his spirit and good temper.
  the attitude or intentions with which someone undertakes or regards something
• 态度
 »he confessed in a spirit of self-respect, not defiance.
  the real meaning or the intention behind something as opposed to its strict verbal interpretation
• 真实意义;精神实质
 »the rule had been broken in spirit if not in letter.
3. [常作 spirits] (chiefly Brit.)strong distilled liquor such as brandy, whisky, gin, or rum
[主英] 烈性酒(如白兰地、威士忌、杜松子酒或朗姆酒)
  [mass noun] [with modifier] a volatile liquid, especially a fuel, prepared by distillation
• 挥发性液体(尤指用蒸馏法提炼的燃料)
 »aviation spirit.
  (archaic)a solution of volatile components extracted from something, typically by distillation or by solution in alcohol
[古] 精(多指蒸馏出的液体)
 »spirits of turpentine.
(spirited, spiriting)
1. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] convey rapidly and secretly
• 偷偷迅速地运送
 »stolen cows were spirited away some distance to prevent detection.
enter into the spirit
1. join wholeheartedly in an event, especially one of celebration and festivity
• 全身心地投入活动(尤指节庆活动)中
 »he entered into the spirit of the occasion by dressing as a pierrot.
in (或 in the) spirit
1. in thought or intention though not physically
• 在精神上
 »he couldn't be here in person, but he is with us in spirit.
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak
1. (proverb)someone has good intentions but fails to live up to them
[谚] 心灵愿意,但肉体却软弱了;心有余而力不足
when the spirit moves someone
1. when someone feels inclined to do something
• 在某人想(或喜欢)做某事时,只要某人高兴
 »he can be quite candid when the spirit moves him.
the spirit world
1. (in animistic and occult belief) the non-physical realm in which disembodied spirits have their existence
• (在万物有灵论和神秘信仰中的)灵魂世界
spirit someone up
1. (archaic)stimulate, animate, or cheer up someone
[古] 激励人;鼓舞人
1. Middle English: from Anglo-Norman French, from Latin spiritus 'breath, spirit', from spirare 'breathe'

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