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splash vt.溅泼 vi.泼水 n.溅

/ splAF /

1. a sound made by something striking or falling into liquid
• 物体击打(或落入)液体时发出的声音,啪啪声,泼溅声
 »we hit the water with a mighty splash.
  a spell of moving about in water energetically
• 拍水,戏水
 »the girls joined them for a final splash in the pool.
  a small quantity of liquid that has fallen or been dashed against a surface
• 溅落的少许液体
 » a splash of gravy.
  a small quantity of liquid added to a drink
• 加入饮料中的少许液体
 » a splash of lemonade.
  a bright patch of colour
• 一片亮色
 »add a red scarf to give a splash of colour.
  [informal] a prominent or sensational news feature or story
[非正式] 要闻;重要新闻特写(或报道);耸人听闻的新闻报导
 »a front-page splash.
  [informal] a striking, ostentatious, or exciting effect or event
[非正式] 引人注目的效果;令人激动的事件
 »there's going to be a big splash when Mike returns to the ring.
1. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] cause (liquid) to strike or fall on something in irregular drops
• 使(液体)溅落
 »she splashed cold water on to her face.
  [with obj.] make wet by doing this
• 泼湿
 »they splashed each other with water.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of a liquid) fall or be scattered in irregular drops
• (液体)滴下;泼落;散落
 »a tear fell and splashed on to the pillow.
  [no obj., with adverbial] strike or move around in a body of water, causing it to fly about noisily
• 在水中拍打(或活动)使水花啪啪作响地飞溅
 »a stone splashed into the water.
 »she splashed up the path.
  (be splashed with)be decorated with scattered patches of
• 点缀着斑点
 »a field splashed with purple clover.
  [with obj.] print (a story or photograph, especially a sensational one) in a prominent place in a newspaper or magazine
• (在报刊或杂志的显著位置)刊登(引起轰动的新闻报道或照片);(在显著位置)刊登
 »the story was splashed across the front pages.
make a splash
1. [informal] attract a great deal of attention
[非正式] 引起轰动,引人注目
1. early 18th cent. (as a verb): alteration of plash
splash down
1. (of a spacecraft) land on water
• (宇宙飞船)溅落
splash out (或 splash money out)
1. [Brit. informal] spend money freely
[英,非正式] 大手大脚地花钱
 »she splashed out on a Mercedes.

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