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spoon n.匙,汤匙,调羹 v.以匙舀取

/ spu:n /

1. an implement consisting of a small, shallow oval or round bowl on a long handle, used for eating, stirring, and serving food
• 匙,调羹,勺子
  the contents of such an implement
• 一调羹的东西
 »three spoons of sugar.
  (spoons)a pair of spoons held in the hand and beaten together rhythmically as a percussion instrument
• 拿在手中的一对调羹用作打击乐器
2. a thing resembling a spoon in shape, in particular
• 调羹状物品,尤指
  (也作 spoon bait)a fishing lure designed to wobble when pulled through the water
• 匙形拟饵
  an oar with a broad curved blade
• 匙形桨叶
  [Golf, dated] a club with a slightly concave wooden head
[高尔夫旧] 木质头三号球棒
1. [with obj. and adverbial of direction] convey (food) somewhere by using a spoon
• 用调羹送(食物)
 »Rosie spooned sugar into her mug.
  hit (a ball) up into the air with a soft or weak stroke
• 轻柔地向上击球
 »he spooned his shot high over the bar.
2. [no obj.] (informal, dated)(of two people) behave in an amorous way; kiss and cuddle
[非正式,旧] (两个人)举止亲密;亲吻拥抱
 »I saw them spooning on the beach.
  (of two people) lie close together sideways and front to back, so as to fit together like spoons
• 汤匙式躺法(两人同向贴紧侧卧)
spooner noun
spoonful noun pl. -fuls
1. Old English spōn 'chip of wood', of Germanic origin; related to German Span 'shaving'. Sense 1 is of Scandinavian origin. The verb dates from the early 18th cent

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