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spot n.地点,处所;点 vt.点缀;认出,准确定位

/ spCt /

1. a small round or roundish mark, differing in colour or texture from the surface around it
• 斑点
 »ladybirds have black spots on their red wing covers.
  a small mark or stain
• 小点;污点
 »a spot of mildew on the wall.
  a pimple
• 粉刺,丘疹
  (archaic)a moral blemish or stain
[古] 道德污点
  short for penalty spot
• penalty spot的简称
  (chiefly N. Amer.)a pip on a domino, playing card, or dice
[主北美] (多米诺牌,纸牌或骰子上的)点
  [in combination] (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)a banknote of a specified value
[非正式,主北美] (特定面值的)钞票
 »a ten-spot.
2. a particular place or point
• 一个特定的地方(或点)
 »a nice secluded spot.
 »an ideal picnic spot.
  [with adj. or noun modifier] a small feature or part of something with a particular quality
• 有某种特质的部分
 »his bald spot.
 »there was one bright spot in a night of dismal failure.
  a position within a listing; a ranking
• (列表的)位置;排名
 »the runner-up spot.
  a place for an individual item within a show
• (演出中的)位置
 »she couldn't do her usual singing spot in the club.
3. (informal, chiefly Brit.)a small amount of something
[非正式,主英] 一点点
 » a spot of rain.
 » a spot of bother flared up.
  [dated] a small alcoholic drink
[旧] 一点酒
 »may I offer you a spot?
4. [as modifier] denoting a system of trading in which commodities or currencies are delivered and paid for immediately after a sale
• 现货交易;现金交易
 »trading in the spot markets.
 »the current spot price.
5. short for spotlight
• spotlight的简称
6. (也作 spot board)a board for working plaster before application
• 调灰泥板;调石膏板
(spotted, spotting)
1. [with obj.] see, notice, or recognize (someone or something) that is difficult to detect or that one is searching for
• 发现;注意到;认出
 »Andrew spotted the advert in the paper.
 »the men were spotted by police.
  [常作 be spotted] recognize that (someone) has a particular talent, especially for sport or show business
• (尤指体育、娱乐业)赏识
 »we were spotted by a talent scout.
  [no obj.] [Military] locate an enemy's position, typically from the air
[军] (尤指从空中)确定敌人的位置
 »they were spotting for enemy aircraft.
  (in weight training, gymnastics, etc.) observe (a performer) in order to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries
• (举重及体操训练为防止受伤或出意外)在场监护(运动员)
2. [with obj.] [常作 be spotted] mark with spots
• 玷污
 »the velvet was spotted with stains.
  [no obj.] become marked with spots
• 变得满是污点;生斑
 »a damp atmosphere causes the flowers to spot.
  cover (a surface or area) thinly
• 稀疏地点缀(表面,某地)
 »thorn trees spotted the land.
  (archaic)stain or sully the moral character or qualities of
[古] 使道德有污点
  [no obj.] (it spots, it is spotting,等)rain slightly
• 下零星小雨
 »it was still spotting with rain.
3. [with obj.] place (a ball) on its designated starting point on a billiard table
• 将(台球)放在置球点上
4. [with two objs] [N. Amer. informal] give or lend (money) to (someone)
[北美,非正式] 给…(钱);借(钱)给
 »I'll spot you $300.
  allow (an advantage) to (someone) in a game or sport
• (比赛或运动中)让…一步
 »the higher-rated team spots the lower-rated team the difference in their handicaps.
hit the spot
1. [informal] be exactly what is required
[非正式] 完全切合要求
 »the cup of coffee hit the spot.
in a spot
1. [informal] in a difficult situation
[非正式] 在困境当中
on the spot
1. without any delay; immediately
• 毫不延误;立即
 »he offered me the job on the spot.
2. at the scene of an action or event
• 在现场
 »journalists on the spot reported no progress.
3. (chiefly Brit.)(with reference to an action) performed without moving from one's original position
[主英] (动作)在原地进行
 »running on the spot.
put someone on the spot
1. [informal] force someone into a situation in which they must make a difficult decision or answer a difficult question
[非正式] 为难某人
1. Middle English: perhaps from Middle Dutch spotte. The sense 'notice, recognize' arose from the early 19th-cent. slang use 'note as a suspect or criminal'

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