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spread vt.展开,铺开 vi.流传,蔓延 n.伸展,扩展

/ spred /

(past and past participle spread)
1. [with obj.] open out (something) so as to extend its surface area, width, or length
• 摊开;铺开;展开
 »I spread a towel on the sand and sat down.
 »she helped Colin to spread out the map.
  stretch out (arms, legs, hands, fingers, or wings) so that they are far apart
• 伸开;张开(胳膊,腿,手,手指,翅膀)
 »the swan spread its wings.
2. [no obj., with adverbial] extend over a large or increasing area
• 蔓延,延伸
 »rain over north-west Scotland will spread south-east during the day.
  (spread out)(of a group of people) move apart so as to cover a wider area
• (一组人员为覆盖更宽的区域而)散开
 »the Marines spread out across the docks.
  [with obj. and adverbial] distribute or disperse (something) over a certain area
• 撒;散播
 »volcanic eruptions spread dust high into the stratosphere.
  gradually reach or cause to reach a larger and larger area or more and more people
• 传开;散布;蔓延
 »[no obj.] the violence spread from the city centre to the suburbs.
 »[with obj.] she's always spreading rumours about other people.
  (of people, animals, or plants) become distributed over a large or larger area
• (人,动物,植物)分布;分散开来
 »the owls have spread as far north as Kuala Lumpur.
  [with obj. and adverbial] distribute (something) in a specified way
• 以特定方式分散(或分摊);把…分期完成
 »you can spread the payments over as long a period as you like.
3. [with obj. and adverbial] apply (a substance) to an object or surface in an even layer
• (均匀地)涂抹,涂,敷
 »he sighed, spreading jam on a croissant.
  cover (a surface) with a substance in such a way
• (均匀地)涂于,敷于
 »spread each slice thinly with mayonnaise.
  [no obj., with adverbial] be able to be applied in such a way
• 易于涂抹(或敷匀)
 »a tub of unsalted butter that spreads so well.
4. [with obj.] (archaic)lay (a table) for a meal
[古] 摆桌子以备进餐;把饭菜摆在(餐桌)上
1. [mass noun] the fact or process of spreading over an area
• 伸展;扩张;传播;蔓延
 »the spread of Aids.
 »the spread of the urban population into rural areas.
2. the extent, width, or area covered by something
• 延展度;宽度;覆盖面;幅员
 »the male's antlers can attain a spread of six feet.
  the wingspan of a bird
• 翼展
  an expanse or amount of something
• 一大片;一些
 »the green spread of the park.
  [N. Amer.] a large farm or ranch
[北美] 大农场;大牧场
3. the range or variety of something
• 范围,幅度;种类
 »a wide spread of ages.
  the difference between two rates or prices
• (比率或价格之间的)差异,差距;差额
 »the very narrow spread between borrowing and deposit rates.
  short for point spread
• point spread 的简称
4. a soft paste that can be applied in a layer to bread or other food
• 涂抹食品的酱类
5. an article or advertisement covering several columns or pages of a newspaper or magazine, especially one on two facing pages
• (报刊上)跨数栏(或数版)的文章(或广告)(尤指跨和合页的文章或广告)
 »a double-page spread.
  [N. Amer.] a bedspread
[北美] 床单;床罩
6. [informal] a large and impressively elaborate meal
[非正式] 丰盛的饭菜,盛宴
spread like wildfire
--› see wildfire
spread oneself too thin
1. be involved in so many different activities or projects that one's time and energy are not used to good effect
• 一心多用,效果不佳;同时参与多项活动(或工作)导致效果不佳
spread one's wings --› see wing
spreadable adjective
1. Old English -sprædan (used in combinations), of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch spreiden and German spreiten

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