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spring vi.跃;出现;发芽 n.泉;泉水;弹簧;春天

/ spriN /

(past sprang 或主北美 sprung ; past participle sprung)
1. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move or jump suddenly or rapidly upwards or forwards
• (向前)跳,跃;(向上)蹦
 »I sprang out of bed.
 »they sprang to her defence.
  [noobj., with complement or adverbial] move rapidly or suddenly from a constrained position by or as if by the action of a spring
• 突然弹开;突然移动
 »the drawer sprang open.
  [withobj.] operate or cause to operate by means of a mechanism
• (使)开动;(使)运转
 »[with obj.] he prepared to spring his trap.
  [withobj.] cause (a game bird) to rise from cover
• 惊起(猎鸟);使(猎鸟)从躲藏处飞出
  [withobj.] [informal] bring about the escape or release of (a prisoner)
[非正式] 使(犯人)获释(或逃跑);解救
 »the president sought to spring the hostages.
2. [noobj.] (spring from)originate or arise from
• 发源于;来自
 »madness and creativity could spring from the same source.
  appear suddenly or unexpectedly from
• 突然出现,意外出现
 »tears sprang from his eyes.
  (spring up)suddenly develop or appear
• 涌现,涌出;惊现
 »a terrible storm sprang up.
  [withobj.] (spring something on)present or propose something suddenly or unexpectedly to (someone)
• 突然向某人提供(或提出)
 »we decided to spring a surprise on them.
3. [with obj.] [usu. as adj. sprung] cushion or fit (a vehicle or item of furniture) with springs
• 给(车辆,家具)装上软垫(或弹簧)
 »a fully sprung bed.
4. [no obj.] (especially of wood) become warped or split
• (尤指木料)翘曲,裂开
  [withobj.] (of a boat) suffer splitting of (a mast or other part)
• (船的桅杆或其他部分)翘曲,裂开
5. [noobj.] (spring for)[N. Amer. & Austral.] [informal] pay for, especially as a treat for someone else
[北美,澳,非正式] 付账(尤指请客)
 »don't spring for the album until you've heard it.
  [withobj.] (archaic)spend (money)
[古] 花(钱)
 »he might spring a few shillings more.
6. [withobj.] [Austral. informal] come upon (an illicit activity or its perpetrator)
[澳,非正式] 突袭(不正当活动或违法者)
 »our science teacher sprung me acting the goat.
1. the season after winter and before summer, in which vegetation begins to appear, in the northern hemisphere from March to May and in the southern hemisphere from September to November
• 春天,春季
 »in spring the garden is a feast of blossom.
 »[as modifier] spring rain.
  [Astronomy] the period from the vernal equinox to the summer solstice
[天文] 春季
  short for spring tide
• spring tide的简称
2. an elastic device, typically a helical metal coil, that can be pressed or pulled but returns to its former shape when released, used chiefly to exert constant tension or absorb movement
• 弹簧;发条
  [mass noun] the ability to spring back strongly; elasticity
• 弹性,弹力
 »the mattress has lost its spring.
3. [insing.] a sudden jump upwards or forwards
• 跳跃,跳起
 »with a sudden spring, he leapt on to the table.
  (informal, dated)an escape or release from prison
[非正式,旧] 越狱;获释
4. a place where water or oil wells up from an underground source, or the basin or flow formed in such a way
• 泉
 »[as modifier] spring water.
  (figurative)the origin or a source of something
[喻] 根源,源泉
 »the place was a spring of musical talent.
5. an upward curvature of a ship's deck planking from the horizontal
• (船甲板)翘曲,弯曲
  a split in a wooden plank or spar under strain
• (厚木板、圆材的)裂开,分裂;裂缝
6. [Nautical] a hawser laid out diagonally aft from a ship's bow or forward from a ship's stern and secured to a fixed point in order to prevent movement or assist manoeuvring
[航海] 倒缆,斜系船缆
spring a leak
1. (of a boat or container) develop a leak
• (船,容器)出现漏缝
springless adjective
springlet noun
1. (poetic/literary 诗/文)
springlike adjective
1. Old English spring (noun), springan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch and German springen. Early use in the senses 'head of a well' and 'rush out in a stream' gave rise to the figurative use 'originate'
1. In British English the standard past tense is sprangshe sprang forwardwhile in US English the past can be either sprang or sprungI sprung out of bed

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