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square a.正方形的;平方的n.正方形;广场v.求平方

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1. a plane figure with four equal straight sides and four right angles
• 正方形
  a thing having such a shape or approximately such a shape
• 方形物
 »she tore a bit of cloth into a four-inch square.
  a thing having the shape or approximate shape of a cube
• 立方体,立方形
 »a small square of chocolate.
  an open (typically four-sided) area surrounded by buildings in a village, town, or city
• (方形)广场
 »a market square.
 »[in place names] Leicester Square.
  an open area at the meeting of streets
• 街心广场
  a small square area on the board used in a game
• (棋盘上的)方格
  [Cricket] a closer-cut area at the centre of a ground, any strip of which may be prepared as a wicket
[板球] 内场
  an area within a military barracks or camp used for drill
• (军营中的)操练场
   [US] a block of buildings bounded by four streets
[美] 四条街中间的房屋区,街区
  (historical)a body of infantry drawn up in rectangular form
[史] (步兵的)方阵
  a unit of 100 square ft used as a measure of flooring, roofing, etc
• [用作房屋地面和屋面面积的计量单位]百平方英尺
  a square scarf
• 方围巾
  [Brit.] a mortar board
[英] 托灰板,灰浆板
  the portion of the cover of a bound book which projects beyond the pages
• (精装书封面的)余边突出边
2. the product of a number multiplied by itself
• 平方,二次幂
 »a circle's area is proportional to the square of its radius.
3. an L-shaped or T-shaped instrument used for obtaining or testing right angles
• 直角尺,丁字尺,矩尺
 »a carpenter's square.
  [mass noun] [Astrology] an aspect of 90° (one quarter of a circle)
[占星] 90度星位(四分之一个圆)
 »Venus in square to Jupiter.
4. [informal] a person considered to be old-fashioned or boringly conventional in attitude or behaviour
[非正式] 古板守旧的人;不谙时尚的人
  [N. Amer.] a cigarette containing tobacco rather than cannabis
[北美] (不含大麻的)正规香烟
5. [N. Amer. informal] a square meal
[北美,非正式] 美餐,饱餐
 »three squares a day.
1. having the shape or approximate shape of a square
• 正方形的;方形的
 »a square table.
  having the shape or approximate shape of a cube
• 立方体的,立方形的
 »a square block of flats.
  having or in the form of two right angles
• 有两个直角的;呈两个直角状的
 »a suitable length of wood with square ends.
  having an outline resembling two corners of a square
• 方形的
 »his square jaw.
  broad and solid in shape
• 宽阔结实的
 »he was short and square.
2. denoting a unit of measurement equal to the area of a square whose side is of the unit specified
• 平方的
 »30,000 square feet of new gallery space.
  [postpositive] denoting the length of each side of a square shape or object
• (正方形物体)各边长…的
 »the office was fifteen feet square.
3. at right angles; perpendicular
• 成直角的;垂直的
 »these lines must be square to the top and bottom marked edges.
  [Cricket & Soccer] in a direction transversely across the field or pitch
[板球,英足] 与击球手成直角位置的;横传的
  [Astrology] having or denoting an aspect of 90°
[占星] 方照的,90°角的
 »Jupiter is square to the Sun.
4. level or parallel
• 水平的,平行的
 »place two pieces of wood one on top of the other, ensuring that they are exactly square.
  properly arranged; in good order
• 整齐的
 »we should get everything square before we leave.
  compatible or in agreement
• 一致的;可共存的
 »he wanted to make sure we were square with the court's decision and not subject to a lawsuit.
  fair and honest
• 公正的;正直的,诚实的
 »she'd been as square with him as anybody could be.
5. (of two people) owing nothing to each other
• (两个人)两清的,互不相欠的
 »an acknowledgement that we are square.
  with both players or sides having equal scores in a game
• (比赛中双方)平分的;平局的
 »the goal brought the match all square once again.
6. [informal] old-fashioned or boringly conventional
[非正式] 古板守旧的,不谙时尚的
 »Elvis was anything but square.
7. (of rhythm) simple and straightforward
• (韵律)简单易懂的,简单直接的
1. directly ; straight
• 直接地;径直地;正好
 »it hit me square in the forehead.
  [informal] fairly; honestly
[非正式] 公平地,正当地;诚实地,正直地
 »I'd acted square and on the level with him.
2. [Cricket & Soccer] in a direction transversely across the field or pitch
[板球,英足] 与击球手成直角地;以横传方式
 »the ball bounced almost square to the left.
verb, [with obj.]
1. make square or rectangular; give a square or rectangular cross section to
• 使成正方形(或矩形);使具有正方形(或矩形)截面
 »you can square off the other edge.
  [usu. as adj.] (squared)mark out in squares
• 划成方格
 »a sheet of squared paper.
2. multiply (a number) by itself
• 使(数字)成平方,使(数字)成二次幂
 »5 squared equals 25.
  [usu. as postpositive adj. squared] convert (a linear unit of measurement) to a unit of area equal to a square whose side is of the unit specified
• 把(线性计量单位)转换为面积平方的
 »there were only three people per kilometre squared.
3. make compatible; reconcile
• 使谐调,使符合;使和解
 »I'm able to square my profession with my religious beliefs.
  [no obj.] be compatible
• 符合,相一致
 »do those announcements really square with the facts?
4. balance (an account)
• 结算,结清(账目)
 »institutions are anxious to square their books before the election.
  settle or pay (a bill or debt)
• 结付(账单),付清(欠款)
 »would you square up the bill?
  make the score of (a match or game) even
• 使(比赛的比分)打平
 »[with obj. and complement] his goal squared the match 1–1.
  [informal] secure the help, acquiescence, or silence of (someone), especially by offering an inducement
[非正式] (尤指通过引诱等手段)确保(某人)的援助(或默许、沉默)
 »trying to square the press.
5. bring (one's shoulders) into a position in which they appear square and broad, typically to prepare oneself for a difficult task or event
• 挺直(肩膀)
 »chin up, shoulders squared, she stepped into the room.
  (square oneself)adopt a posture of defence
• 防守,防御
6. pass (a ball) across the field, especially towards the centre
• (尤指向球场中央)横传(球)
7. [Sailing] set (a yard or other part of a ship) at right angles to the keel or other point of reference
[航海] 使(帆桁或船的其他部分)与龙骨(或其他基点)成直角
8. [Astrology] (of a planet) have a square aspect with (another planet or position)
[占星] (行星)与(另一行星,方位)处于方照位置
 »Saturn squares the Sun on the 17th.
back to [或at] square one
1. [informal] back to where one started, with no progress having been made
[非正式] 回到起点,回到原处;无所进展
on the square
1. [informal] honest ; straightforward
[非正式] 诚实的;正直的
2. having membership of the Freemasons
• 有共济会会员资格的
out of square
1. not at right angles
• 不成直角
square accounts with --› see account
square the circle
1. construct a square equal in area to a given circle (a problem incapable of a purely geometrical solution)
• 作一与已知圆面积相等的正方形(一个不能用纯几何的方法来解决的问题)
  do something that is considered to be impossible
• 做被认为是不可能的事情
a square deal --› see deal
a square peg in a round hole --› see peg
squareness noun
squarer noun
squarish adjective
1. Middle English: shortening of Old French esquare (noun), esquarre (past participle, used as an adjective), esquarrer (verb), based on Latin quadra 'square'
square something away
1. [N. Amer.] arrange or deal with in a satisfactory way
[北美] 把…弄整齐;把…做得使人满意
 »don't you worry, we'll get things squared away.
square off
1. [N. Amer.] . another way of saying square up below
[北美] square up
2. [Austral.] settle a difference; set matters right
[澳] 解决分歧;拨乱反正;使事情上正轨
square someone off
1. [Austral.] conciliate or placate someone
[澳] 安慰,安抚,抚慰
square up
1. assume the attitude of a person about to fight
• 摆好架势(准备打架),作打斗状
 »he has been known to square up to people who have enraged him.
  (square up to)face and tackle (a difficulty or problem) resolutely
• 勇敢地面对并解决(困难,问题)
 »the Party squared up to the necessity of facing fascism with military sanctions.

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