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stand vi.站立;位于;经受 n.台,座;货摊;立场

/ stAnd /

(past and past participle stood )
1. [no obj., usu. with adverbial of place] have or maintain an upright position, supported by one's feet
• 站立,站
 »Lionel stood in the doorway.
 »she stood still, heart hammering.
  rise to one's feet
• 起立,站起来
 »the two men stood up and shook hands.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move to and remain in a specified position
• 处于特定位置
 »she stood aside to let them enter.
  [with obj. and adverbial of place] place or set in an upright or specified position
• 使直立;竖放
 »don't stand the plant in direct sunlight.
2. [no obj., with adverbial of place] (of an object, building, or settlement) be situated in a particular place or position
• (物体,建筑物,住所)坐落于,位于特定位置
 »the town stood on a hill.
 »the hotel stands in three acres of gardens.
  (of a building or other vertical structure) remain upright and entire rather than fall into ruin or be destroyed
• (建筑物等垂直结构)保持完整原状未被毁坏
 »after the storms only one house was left standing.
  remain valid or unaltered
• 保持有效;保持不变
 »my decision stands.
 »he won 31 caps–a record which stood for 42 years.
• (液体)滞留,积聚
 »soil where water stands in winter.
  (of food, a mixture, or liquid) rest without disturbance, typically so as to infuse or marinate
• (食物,混合物,液体)浸泡(或浸渍)
 »pour boiling water over the fruit and leave it to stand for 5 minutes.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of a ship) remain on a specified course
• (船)取特定航向
 »the ship was standing north.
3. [no obj., with complement] be in a specified state or condition
• 处于特定状态(或情形)
 »since mother's death the house had stood empty.
 »sorry, darling—I stand corrected.
  adopt a particular attitude towards a matter or issue
• 对…采取特定的态度
 »students should consider where they stand on this issue.
  be of a specified height
• 特定的高度
 »Sampson was a small man, standing 5 ft 4 in tall.
  (stand at)be at (a particular level or value)
• 处于(特定的水平或价值)
 »the budget stood at £2,000 million per annum.
  [no obj., with infinitive] be in a situation where one is likely to do something
• 很可能会
 »investors stood to lose heavily.
  act in a specified capacity
• 具有特定的能力
 »he stood security for the government's borrowings.
  (也作 stand at stud)[no obj.] (of a stallion) be available for breeding
• (牡马)可作种马
4. [with obj. and often modal] withstand (an experience or test) without being damaged
• 抵挡,抵御
 »small, stable boats that could stand the punishment of heavy seas.
 »will your cooker stand the strain of the festive season?
  [usu. with negative] [informal] be able to endure or tolerate
[非正式] 忍受,忍耐;容忍
 »I can't stand the way Mum talks to him.
  [with modal and negative] [informal] strongly dislike
[非正式] 非常不喜欢,极其讨厌
 »I can't stand brandy.
5. [no obj.] [Brit.] be a candidate in an election
[英] 当候选人,参加竞选
 »he stood for parliament in 1968.
6. [no obj.] act as umpire in a cricket match
• 担任(板球的)裁判员
7. [usu. with two objs] provide (food or drink) for (someone) at one's own expense
• (自掏腰包)请(某人)吃喝,为…付账
 »somebody in the bar would stand him a coffee.
1. [usu. in sing.] an attitude towards a particular issue; a position taken in an argument
• 态度;立场
 »the party's tough stand on immigration.
 »his traditionalist stand.
  a determined effort to resist or fight for something
• 下决心抵御,为…奋斗
 »this was not the moment to make a stand for independence.
 »we have to take a stand against racism.
  an act of holding one's ground against or halting to resist an opposing force
• 反对;停下抵抗
 »Custer's legendary last stand.
  [Cricket] . another term for partnership:
[板球] partnership :
 »they shared a second-wicket stand of 135.
2. a place where or object on which someone or something stands, sits, or rests, in particular
• 人(或物)站立(或坐、放、休息)的地方,尤指
  a large raised tiered structure for spectators, typically at a sporting venue
• (尤指体育运动的)看台
 »United's manager watched from the stands.
  a rack, base, or piece of furniture for holding, supporting, or displaying something
• 架;座;几;台
 »a microphone stand.
  a small stall or booth in a street, market, or public building from which goods are sold
• 售货处,摊
 »a hot-dog stand.
  (chiefly Brit.)an upright structure on which an organization displays promotional material at an exhibition
[主英] (用于展示推销品的)展览台
  a raised platform for a band, orchestra, or speaker
• 舞台,讲台
  (the stand)(也作 witness stand)a witness box
• 证人席
 »Sergeant Harris took the stand.
  the place where someone typically stands or sits
• 站立(或坐)的位置
 »she took her stand in front of the desks.
  a place where vehicles, typically taxis, wait for passengers
• (车辆,尤指出租车的)候客停车处
3. [usu. in sing.] a cessation from motion or progress
• 停止,停住
 »the train drew to a stand by the signal box.
  the mean sea level at a particular period in the past
• (过去某个特定时期的)平均海平面
  the state of the tide at high or low water when there is little change in water level
• (水位几乎不变时的)高潮;低潮
  each halt made on a touring theatrical production to give one or more performances
• 巡回演出停留点
4. a group of growing plants of a specified kind, especially trees
• (植物,尤指树木的)群,丛,簇,片
 »a stand of poplars.
1. [S. African] a plot of land
[南非] 块地
as it stands
1. in its present condition
• 照此情况,照这种样子
 »there are no merits in the Bill as it stands.
  (也作 as things stand)in the present circumstances
• 照当前情形
 »the country would struggle, as it stands, to host the next World Cup.
be at a stand
1. (archaic)be perplexed and unable to take action
[古] 茫然,不知所措
it stands to reason --› see reason
stand and deliver!
1. (historical)a highwayman's order to hand over money and valuables
[史] (拦路强盗用语)站住,留下买路钱!
stand a chance --› see chance
stand easy! --› see easy
stand one's ground
1. maintain one's position, typically in the face of opposition
• 坚持立场
 »she stood her ground, refusing to let him intimidate her.
stand someone in good stead --› see stead
stand on me
1. (informal, dated)rely on me; believe me
[非正式, 旧] 依靠我;信任我
stand on one's own (two) feet
1. be or become self-reliant or independent
• 独立自主,自立
stand out a mile --› see mile
stand out like a sore thumb --› see sore
stand pat --› see pat
stand treat
1. [dated] bear the expense of treating someone to something
[旧] 请客,做东
stand trial
1. be tried in a court of law
• 受审
stand up and be counted
1. state publicly one's support for someone or something
• 公开表明自己的态度(或立场)
will the real — please stand up
1. [informal] used rhetorically to indicate that the specified person should clarify their position or reveal their true character
[非正式] 请亮出真相吧(口语中用于表示特定的人应阐明其立场或展示其本来面目)
 »he was so different from the unhappy man of a week ago—would the real Jack Lawrence please stand up?
stander noun
1. Old English standan (verb), stand (noun), of Germanic origin, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin stare and Greek histanai, also by the noun stead
1. The use of the past participle stood with the verb ‘to be’, as in we were stood in a line for hoursis not acceptable in standard English, where the present participle standing should be used instead. See also usage at sit
stand alone
1. be unequalled
• 独一无二,无与伦比
 »when it came to fun Fergus stood alone.
stand aside
1. take no action to prevent, or not involve oneself in, something that is happening
• 站开,让开
 »the army had stood aside as the monarchy fell.
  another way of saying stand down (in sense 1) below
• 见下面 stand down [义项1]
stand back
1. withdraw from a situation emotionally in order to view it more objectively
• 置身事外以更客观地观察
  another way of saying stand aside above
• 见上面stand aside
stand by
1. be present while something bad is happening but fail to take any action to stop it
• 袖手旁观
 »he was beaten to the ground as onlookers stood by.
2. support or remain loyal to (someone), typically in a time of need
• 站在…一边,支持;忠于
 »she had stood by him during his years in prison.
  adhere to or abide by (something promised, stated, or decided)
• 坚守(或遵守)(诺言)
 »the government must stand by its pledges.
3. be ready to deal or assist with something
• 准备行动;准备援助
 »two battalions were on their way, and a third was standing by.
stand down
1. withdraw or resign from a position or office
• 退下,退出;辞职
 »he stood down as leader of the party.
2. (stand down 或 stand someone down)relax or cause to relax after a state of readiness
• (使)放松
 »if something doesn't happen soon, I reckon they'll stand us down.
3. (of a witness) leave the witness box after giving evidence
• (证人)退出证人席
stand for
1. be an abbreviation of or symbol for
• 是…的缩写;代表,表示
 »BBC stands for British Broadcasting Corporation.
2. [with negative] [informal] refuse to endure or tolerate
[非正式] 拒绝忍受;拒绝容忍
 »I won't stand for any nonsense.
3. support (a cause or principle)
• 支持
 »we stand for animal welfare.
stand in
1. deputize
• 替代,作替身
 »Brown stood in for the injured Simpson.
2. [Nautical] sail closer to the shore
[航海] 逐渐靠岸
stand in with
1. [dated] be in league or partnership with
[旧] 与…勾结;与…联合
stand off
1. move or keep away
• 离开;远离
 »the women stood off at a slight distance.
  [Nautical] sail further away from the shore
[航海] 渐离海岸
stand someone off
1. keep someone away; repel someone
• 疏远,不亲近;排斥
2. [Brit.] . another way of saying lay someone off (see lay )
[英] 同 lay someone off (see lay )
stand on
1. be scrupulous in the observance of
• 拘泥于
 »call me Alexander don't let's stand on formality.
2. [Nautical] continue on the same course
[航海] 继续沿同一航线行进
stand out
1. project from a surface
• 突出,伸出
 »the veins in his neck stood out.
  be easily noticeable
• 清晰地显出,引人注目
 »he was one of those men who stood out in a crowd.
  be clearly better or more significant than someone or something
• 杰出,更突出;更重要
 »four issues stand out as being of crucial importance.
2. persist in opposition or support of something
• 坚持反对;坚决支持
 »she stood out against public opinion.
 »the company stood out for the product it wanted.
stand over
1. stand close to (someone) so as to watch, supervise, or intimidate them
• 密切注意,监视;胁迫
2. (stand over 或 stand something over)be postponed or postpone to be dealt with at a later date
• 推迟,延期;留待以后处理
 »a number of points were stood over to a further meeting.
stand to
1. [often in imperative] [Military] stand ready for an attack, especially one before dawn or after dark
[军] (尤指黎明前或天黑后)准备应对敌人的进攻
stand up
1. (of an argument, claim, evidence, etc.) remain valid after close scrutiny or analysis
• (论点、主张、证据等)(经过详尽的研究或分析)保持有效
stand someone up
1. [informal] fail to keep an appointment with a boyfriend or girlfriend
[非正式] 毁弃与…的婚约
stand up for
1. speak or act in support of
• 支持,拥护
 »she learned to stand up for herself.
stand up to
1. make a spirited defence against
• 勇敢地面对
 »giving workers the confidence to stand up to their employers.
2. be resistant to the harmful effects of (prolonged wear or use)
• 抵抗;顶得住(长期的磨损),经得起(长期的使用)

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