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standard n.标准,水平 a.普通的,一般的,标准的

/ 5stAndEd /

1. a level of quality or attainment
• 标准,水平
 »their restaurant offers a high standard of service.
 »the government's ambition to raise standards in schools.
  a required or agreed level of quality or attainment
• 规定的(或一致同意)的标准,规格
 »half of the beaches fail to comply with European standards.
 »[mass noun] their tap water was not up to standard.
  [Brit. historical] (in elementary schools) a grade of proficiency tested by examination or the form or class preparing pupils for such a grade
[英,史] (小学)水平考试级别;(为学生进入高年级作准备的)小学低年级
  [S. African] (often with a specifying number) a class or year in a high school
[南非] (通常与具体的数字连用)(中学)年级;学年
 »his education ended at standard six.
2. an idea or thing used as a measure, norm, or model in comparative evaluations
• 标准,尺度;榜样
 »the wages are low by today's standards.
 »the system had become an industry standard.
  (standards)principles of conduct informed by notions of honour and decency
• 行为准则,规范
 »a decline in moral standards.
  a form of language that is widely accepted as the usual form
• 标准语,通行语
  the prescribed weight of fine metal in gold or silver coins
• (硬币的)法定含金量(或含银量)
 »the sterling standard for silver.
  a system by which the value of a currency is defined in terms of gold or silver or both
• (货币的金或银或金银)本位
  a measure for timber, equivalent to 165 cu. ft (4.67 cubic metres)
• 标准堆(木材计量单位,等于165立方英尺,即4.67立方米)
3. an object that is supported in an upright position, in particular
• 支撑垂直位置的物体,尤指
  a military or ceremonial flag carried on a pole or hoisted on a rope
• 军旗(或仪式用的旗帜)
  used in names of newspapers
• 旗报(用于报纸的名称)
 »a report in the Evening Standard.
  a tree or shrub that grows on an erect stem of full height
• 茎干挺直的树(或灌木)
  a shrub grafted on an erect stem and trained in tree form
• (整成树形并嫁接于挺直茎干上的)灌木
  [Botany] the large, frequently erect uppermost petal of a papilionaceous flower
[植] (蝶形花的)旗瓣。(亦称 vexillum)
  [Botany] one of the inner petals of an iris flower, frequently erect
[植] (鸢尾属植物的)直立花瓣
  an upright water or gas pipe
• 直立水管(或煤气管)
4. (especially with reference to jazz or blues) a tune or song of established popularity
• (尤指爵士乐,布鲁斯音乐)流行曲调(或歌曲)
1. used or accepted as normal or average
• 标准的
 »the standard rate of income tax.
 »it is standard practice in museums to register objects as they are acquired.
  (of a size, measure, design, etc.) such as is regularly used or produced; not special or exceptional
• (大小、尺寸、式样等)常规的;一般性的
 »all these doors come in a range of standard sizes.
  (of a work, repertoire, or writer) viewed as authoritative or of permanent value and so widely read or performed
• (作品,节目,作家)经典的,权威的
 »his essays on the interpretation of reality became a standard text.
  denoting or relating to the form of a language widely accepted as the usual correct form
• (语言)合乎规范的,符合标准的
 »speakers of standard English.
2. [attrib.] (of a tree or shrub) growing on an erect stem of full height
• (树,灌木)长于直立茎干上的
  (of a shrub) grafted on an erect stem and trained in tree form
• (灌木)整成树形并嫁接在直立茎干上的
 »standard roses.
raise one's (或 the) standard
1. (chiefly figurative)take up arms
[主喻] 拿起武器,反对
 »he is the only one who has dared raise his standard against her.
standardly adverb
1. Middle English (denoting a flag raised on a pole as a rallying point, the authorized exemplar of a unit of measurement, or an upright timber): shortening of Old French estendart, from estendre 'extend'; in sense3, influenced by the verb stand

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