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standing 常设的

/ 5stAndIN /

1. [mass noun] position, status, or reputation
• 地位;级别;名望
 »their standing in the community.
 »a man of high social standing.
  (standings)the table of scores indicating the relative positions of competitors in a sporting contest
• (体育比赛中运动员的)名次表
 »she heads the world championship standings.
2. [mass noun] used to specify the length of time that something has lasted or that someone has fulfilled a particular role
• 持续时间,经历时间
 »an inter-departmental squabble of long standing.
3. a stall for cattle and horses
• 马厩;牛棚
adjective, [attrib.]
1. (of a jump or a start in a running race) performed from rest or an upright position, without a run-up or the use of starting blocks
• (跳高或赛跑起跑)未经助跑的,未做准备动作的
2. remaining in force or use; permanent
• 长期有效的;长期存在的;持久的
 »he has a standing invitation to visit them.
 »a standing army.
3. (of water) stagnant or still
• (水)不流动的,停滞的
4. (of corn) not yet reaped and so still erect
• (玉米)未成熟的
5. [Printing] (of metal type) kept set up after use
[印刷] (金属字)排好后保留的
all standing
1. [Sailing] (chiefly with reference to a boat's stopping) without time to lower the sails
[航海] (主要指船的停泊)没有时间落帆的
in good standing
1. in favour or on good terms with someone
• 受某人欢迎;与某人关系好
 »the companies wanted to stay in good standing with the government.
leave someone/thing standing
1. [informal] be much better or make much faster progress than someone or something else
[非正式] 比…好得多;比…进步快得多
 »in the personal fitness stakes he left her standing.

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