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start vt.开动,着手;开设

/ stB:t /

1. [no obj.] come into being; begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space
• 发生;开始
 »the season starts in September.
 »we ate before the film started.
 »below Roaring Springs the real desert starts.
  [with infinitive or present participle] embark on a continuing action or a new venture
• 着手,从事,开始做(已进行的动作或新事业)
 »I started to chat to him.
 »we plan to start building in the autumn.
  use a particular point, action, or circumstance as an opening for a course of action
• 出发点,起首,开端
 »the teacher can start by capitalizing on children's curiosity.
 »I shall start with the case you mention first.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] begin to move or travel
• 开始走;启程,动身,出发
 »we started out into the snow.
 »he started for the door.
  [with obj.] begin to attend (an educational establishment) or engage in (an occupation, especially a profession)
• 开始(上学);从事(某项职业)
 »she will start school today.
 »he started work at a travel agent.
  begin one's working life
• 开始从事工作
 »he started as a mess orderly.
 »he started off as doctor in the house.
  [with obj.] begin to live through (a period distinguished by a specified characteristic)
• 开始度过,开始生活
 »they started their married life.
  cost at least a specified amount
• 起始;起头
 »fees start at around £300.
2. [with obj.] cause (an event or process) to happen
• 使开始,使发生
 »two men started the blaze which caused the explosion.
 »those women started all the trouble.
  bring (a project or an institution) into being; cause to take effect or begin to work or operate
• 开办,创办;使生效;开始工作(或运行)
 »I'm starting a campaign to get the law changed.
  cause (a machine) to begin to work
• 开动,发动(机器)
 »we had trouble starting the car.
 »he starts up his van.
  [no obj.] (of a machine or device) begin operating or being used
• (机器,装置)开始运行;开始启动
 »the noise of a lorry starting up.
 »there was a moment of silence before the organ started.
  cause or enable (someone or something) to begin doing or pursuing something
• 使开始做,使从事
 »his father started him off in business.
 »[with obj. and present participle] what he said started me thinking.
  give a signal to (competitors) to start in a race
• 向(竞赛者)发起跑信号
3. [no obj.] give a small jump or make a sudden jerking movement from surprise or alarm
• 惊起,惊跳
 »‘Oh my!’ she said, starting.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (poetic/literary)move or appear suddenly
[诗/文] 突然出现;突然移动
 »she had seen Meg start suddenly from a thicket.
  (of eyes) bulge so as to appear to burst out of their sockets
• (眼睛)突起,鼓出
 »his eyes started out of his head like a hare's.
  be displaced or displace by pressure or shrinkage
• (通过压力或收缩)使松动,使脱落;
 »[noobj.] the mortar in the joints had started.
  [with obj.] rouse (game) from its lair
• 使(猎物)离巢,驱赶(猎物)出巢穴
noun, [usu. insing.]
1. the point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning of something
• 开始,开端
 »he takes over as chief executive at the start of next year.
 »the event was a shambles from start to finish.
 »his bicycle was found close to the start of a forest trail.
  the point or moment at which a race begins
• 起跑线;起跑时间
 »make sure you are not over the line at the start.
  an act of beginning to do or deal with something
• 开始,着手
 »I can make a start on cleaning up.
 »an early start enabled us to avoid the traffic.
  used to indicate that a useful initial contribution has been made but that more remains to be done
• 良好开端,好的开始
 »if he would tell her who had put him up to it, it would be a start.
  a person's position or circumstances at the beginning of their life, especially a position of advantage
• 有利形势,有利条件
 »she's anxious to give her baby the best start in life.
  an advantage consisting in having set out in a race or on journey earlier than one's rivals or opponents
• (赛跑或旅行中)先起跑的优势;先出发的优势
 »he would have a ninety-minute start on them.
2. a sudden movement of surprise or alarm
• 惊跳,惊起
 »she awoke with a start.
 »the woman gave a nervous start.
  [dated] a surprising occurrence
[旧] 惊人的事
 »you hear of some rum starts there.
don't start (或 don't you start)
1. [informal] used to tell someone not to grumble or criticize
[非正式] 告诉(某人)不要发牢骚(或指责)
 »don't start—I do my fair share.
for a start
1. [informal] used to introduce or emphasize the first or most important of a number of considerations
[非正式] 首先;一开始
 »this side are at an advantage—for a start, there are more of them.
get the start of
1. [dated] gain an advantage over
[旧] 比…居先,比…占优势
start a family
1. conceive one's first child
• 开始怀第一个孩子
start a hare --› see hare
start something
1. [informal] cause trouble
[非正式] 惹是生非
to start with
1. at the beginning of a series of events or period of time
• 开始时,一开始
 »she wasn't very keen on the idea to start with.
  as the first thing to be taken into account
• 首先
 »to start with, I was feeling down.
1. Old English styrtan 'to caper, leap', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch storten 'push' and German stürzen 'fall headlong, fling'. From the sense 'sudden movement' arose the sense 'initiation of movement, setting out on a journey' and hence 'beginning of a process, etc.'
start in
1. [informal] begin doing something, especially talking
[非正式] 开始做(尤指开始说)
 »people groan when she starts in about her acting ambitions.
  (start in on)[N. Amer.] begin to do or deal with
[北美] 开始去做
 »she started in on her face.
  (start in on)[N. Amer.] attack verbally; begin to criticize
[北美] 用言语攻击;开始批判
start off (或 start someone/thing off)
1. begin (or cause someone or something to begin) working, operating, or dealing with something
• (使)开始;(使)从事
 »treatment should start off with attention to diet.
 »what started you off on this search?
  (start off) begin a meal
• 开始吃饭
 »she started off with porridge .
start on
1. begin to work on or deal with
• 开始进行;着手处理
 » I'm starting on a new book .
2. [informal] begin to talk to someone, especially in a critical or hostile way
[非正式] 开始吵架;开始用言语抨击
 »she started on about my not having proper furniture.
start over
1. [N. Amer.] make a new beginning
[北美] 重新开始
 »could you face going back to school and starting over?
start out (或 up)
1. embark on a venture or undertaking, especially a commercial one
• 着手,开始从事(某事业,尤指商业)
 »the company will start out with a hundred employees.

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