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starter 开胃菜

/ 5stB:tE /

1. a person or thing that starts an event, activity, or process, in particular
• 开头的人(或事),尤指
  (chiefly Brit.)the first course of a meal, especially one with three or more courses
[主英] 第一道菜
  an automatic device for starting a machine, especially the engine of a vehicle
• (机器的)自动启动装置(尤指车辆引擎)
  a person who gives the signal for the start of a race
• (赛跑的)发令员
  [with adj.] a horse, competitor, or player taking part in a race or game at the start
• 参赛的马(或竞争者、选手)
 »the trainer has confirmed Cool Ground as a definite starter.
  [Baseball] the pitcher who starts the game
[棒球] (开赛的)投手
  [with adj.] a person or thing that starts in a specified way, especially with reference to time or speed
• (尤指时间或速度方面)以某种方式起步者,以某种方式开端的事物
 »he was a late starter in photography.
 »I'm just a slow starter.
  a topic, question, or other item with which to start a group discussion or course of study
• (小组讨论或教程的)开端话题(或问题、其他项目)
 »material to act as a starter for discussion.
  (a starter )[informal] a plan or idea that has a chance of succeeding and is therefore worthy of consideration
[非正式] 可行计划(或想法)
 »she began to think that she must move away, yet she knew that it was not even a starter.
  (也作 starter culture)a bacterial culture used to initiate souring in making yogurt, cheese, or butter
• 酵母
  a preparation of chemicals to initiate the breakdown of vegetable matter in making compost
• (制造化肥时使植物性物质分解的)促酵剂,引酵物
  a railway signal controlling the starting of trains from a station or other location
• (火车的)发车信号
for starters
1. [informal] first of all; to start with
[非正式] 首先;一开始,开始时
under starter's orders
1. (of horses, runners, or other competitors) ready to start a race and just waiting for the signal
• (马、赛跑运动员等竞赛者)等候号令准备起跑

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