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stay vi.逗留;保持vt.停止,延缓n.逗留,停留

/ stei /

1. [no obj., usu. with adverbial] remain in the same place
• 停留,留下
 »you stay here and I'll be back soon.
 »Jenny decided to stay at home with their young child.
 »he stayed with the firm as a consultant.
  (stay for/to)delay leaving so as to join in (an activity)
• 耽搁,逗留
 »why not stay to lunch?
  (stay down)(of food) remain in the stomach, rather than be thrown up as vomit
• (食物)留在胃里
  (stay with)remain in the mind or memory of (someone)
• 继续记住
 »Gary's words stayed with her all evening.
2. [no obj., with complement or adverbial] remain in a specified state or position
• 保持,继续是
 »her ability to stay calm.
 »tactics used to stay in power.
 »I managed to stay out of trouble.
  (stay with)continue or persevere with (an activity or task)
• 持续;坚持
 »the incentive needed to stay with a healthy diet.
  (stay with)(of a competitor or player) keep up with (another) during a race or match
• (竞争者,参赛者)与…并驾齐驱,跟上(对手)
  short for stay the course below :
• 下面stay the course 的简称
 »the boat made a good race for half the course but could not stay.
3. [no obj.] (of a person) live somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest
• (人)暂住,逗留
 »the girls had gone to stay with friends.
 »Minton invited him to stay the night.
  [Scottish & S. African] live permanently
[苏格兰,南非] 定居
 »where do you stay?
4. [with obj.] stop, delay, or prevent (something), in particular suspend or postpone (judicial proceedings) or refrain from pressing (charges)
• 停止;延缓;防止;暂缓执行(或推迟判决)
  assuage (hunger) for a short time
• 暂时解除(饥饿)
 »I grabbed something to stay the pangs of hunger.
  (poetic/literary)curb; check
[诗/文] 控制;中止,抑制
 »he tries to stay the destructive course of barbarism.
  [no obj., in imperative] (archaic)wait a moment in order to allow someone time to think or speak
[古] 等候,等待
 »stay, stand apart, I know not which is which.
5. [with obj.] [一般作 be stayed] (poetic/literary)support or prop up
[诗/文] 支持,拥护;支撑
1. a period of staying somewhere, in particular of living somewhere temporarily as a visitor or guest
• (尤指作客)逗留期间
 »an overnight stay at a luxury hotel.
2. (poetic/literary)a curb or check
[诗/文] 制止,中止,抑制
 »there is likely to be a good public library as a stay against boredom.
  [Law] a suspension or postponement of judicial proceedings
[律] (审判的)推迟,延缓
 »a stay of prosecution.
3. a device used as a brace or support
• 支架,支柱;支撑物
  (stays)(historical)a corset made of two pieces laced together and stiffened by strips of whalebone
[史] 胸衣,紧身褡,紧身背心
4. [mass noun] (archaic)power of endurance
[古] 持久力,耐力
be here (或 have come) to stay
1. [informal] be permanent or widely accepted
[非正式] 永久;被普遍接受
 »the private sector is here to stay and likely to expand.
stay the course (或 distance)
1. keep going strongly to the end of a race or contest
• (比赛或竞赛中)拼搏到底
  pursue a difficult task or activity to the end
• 坚持到底
a stay of execution
1. a delay in carrying out a court order
• 延期执行
stay put
1. (of a person or object) remain somewhere without moving or being moved
• (人,物)留在原地不动
stay well
1. [S. African] used on departing as an expression of good wishes from the person leaving to the one staying
[南非] [分别时离开者对留下者的表达语]留得安好
1. late Middle English (as a verb): from Anglo-Norman French estai-, stem of Old French ester, from Latin stare 'to stand'; in the sense 'support' (senses 5 of the verb and 3 of the noun), partly from Old French estaye (noun), estayer (verb), of Germanic origin
stay on
1. continue to study, work, or be somewhere after others have left
• 继续学习(或工作);继续留下
 »75 per cent of sixteen-year-olds stay on in full-time education.
stay over
1. (of a guest or visitor) sleep somewhere, especially at someone's home, for the night
• (客人或造访者呆在别人家里)过夜
stay up
1. not go to bed
• 不睡觉,熬夜
 »they stayed up all night.
1. a large rope, wire, or rod used to support a ship's mast, leading from the masthead to another mast or spar or down to another part of the ship
• (桅杆的)支索
  a guy or rope supporting a flagstaff or other upright pole
• (旗杆等的)牵索,牵链;支撑旗杆(或别的竖直杆)的物体
  a supporting wire or cable on an aircraft
• (飞机的)拉杆,拉索
1. [with obj.] secure or steady (a mast) by means of stays
• 用支索支撑(桅杆),用牵索固定
be in stays
1. (of a sailing ship) be head to the wind while tacking
• (帆船)在掉抢中,转向上风
miss stays
1. (of a sailing ship) fail in an attempt to go about from one tack to another
• (帆船)掉抢失败,抢风失败
1. Old English stag, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stag, from a base meaning 'be firm'

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