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steam n.汽,蒸汽 v.蒸发,蒸(食物);用蒸汽开动

/ sti:m /

1. [mass noun] the vapour into which water is converted when heated, forming a white mist of minute water droplets in the air
• 蒸汽,水蒸气
  the invisible gaseous form of water, formed by boiling, from which this vapour condenses
• 水汽,气雾
  the expansive force of this vapour used as a source of power for machines
• 蒸气膨胀力,汽力
 »the equipment was originally powered by steam.
 »[as modifier] a steam train.
  locomotives and railway systems powered in this way
• 蒸汽机车
 »we were trainspotters in the last years of steam.
  (figurative)energy and momentum or impetus
[喻] 力量,动力;推动力
 »the anti-corruption drive gathered steam.
1. [no obj.] give off or produce steam
• 冒出蒸汽;产生蒸汽
 »a mug of coffee was steaming at her elbow.
  (steam up 或 steam something up)become or cause to become covered or misted over with steam
• (使)蒙上水汽
 »[no obj.] the glass keeps steaming up.
 »[with obj.] the warm air had begun to steam up the windows.
  [常作 be/get steamed up] [informal] be or become extremely agitated or angry
[非正式] 生气,发怒
 »you got all steamed up over nothing!.
 »after steaming behind the closed door in his office, he came out and screamed at her.
2. [with obj.] cook (food) by heating it in steam from boiling water
• 蒸煮
 »steam the vegetables until just tender.
  [no obj.] (of food) cook in this way
• (食物)蒸
 »add the mussels and leave them to steam.
  clean or otherwise treat with steam
• 蒸汽洗涤;蒸汽处理
 »he steamed his shirts in the bathroom to remove the odour.
  [with obj. and complement or adverbial] apply steam to (something fixed with adhesive) so as to open or loosen it
• 蒸汽软化(粘贴物)以打开(或松开)
 »he'd steamed the letter open and then resealed it.
  generate steam in and operate (a steam locomotive)
• 用蒸汽开动(机车)
3. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of a ship or train) travel somewhere under steam power
• (轮船,火车)靠蒸汽动力行驶
 »the 11.54 steamed into the station.
  [informal] come, go, or move somewhere rapidly or in a forceful way
[非正式] 匆匆(或奋力)来(去,移动)
 »Jeremy steamed in ten minutes late.
 »the company has steamed ahead with its investment programme.
  [no obj.] (steam in)[Brit. informal] start or join a fight
[英,非正式] 开始战斗;投入战斗
  [no obj.] [often as noun steaming] [informal] (of a gang of thieves) move rapidly through a public place, stealing things or robbing people on the way
[非正式] (一群贼)(在匆忙通过公共场所时)顺路盗窃(或抢劫)
get up (或 pick up) steam
1. generate enough pressure to drive a steam engine
• 开足蒸汽驱动发动机
2. (of a project in its early stages) gradually gain more impetus and driving force
• (计划的早期)逐渐获得驱动力
 »his campaign steadily picked up steam.
have steam coming out of one's ears
1. [informal] be extremely angry or irritated
[非正式] 大发雷霆,非常恼怒
in steam
1. (of a steam locomotive) ready for work, with steam in the boiler
• (蒸汽机车)准备工作,准备发动,一切就绪
let (或 blow) off steam
1. [informal] (of a person) get rid of pent-up energy or strong emotion
[非正式] 发泄被压抑的感情;泄怒
run out of (或 lose) steam
1. [informal] lose impetus or enthusiasm
[非正式] 失去动力;失去热情
 »a rebellion that had run out of steam.
under one's own steam
1. (with reference to travel) without assistance from others
• (旅行)靠自己的力量
 »we're going to have to get there under our own steam.
under steam
1. (of a machine) being operated by steam
• (机器)靠蒸气运行
1. Old English stēam 'vapour', stēman 'emit a scent, be exhaled', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stoom 'steam'

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