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stem n.词干;(手表的)转柄

/ stem /

1. the main body or stalk of a plant or shrub, typically rising above ground but occasionally subterranean
• (植物、灌木的)茎,干
  the stalk supporting a fruit, flower, or leaf, and attaching it to a larger branch, twig, or stalk
• (支撑果实、花朵、叶子的)梗
2. a long, thin supportive or main section of something
• 把,柄;干
 »the main stem of the wing feathers.
  the slender part of a wine glass between the base and the bowl
• (酒杯杯身与底座之间的)柄脚
  the tube of a tobacco pipe
• 烟斗柄
  a rod or cylinder in a mechanism, for example the sliding shaft of a bolt or the winding pin of a watch
• (机械装置的)阀杆,导杆,棒
  a vertical stroke in a letter or musical note
• (文字的)干线;(音符的)符干
3. [Grammar] the root or main part of a noun, adjective, or other word, to which inflections or formative elements are added
[语法] 词干
  (archaic or poetic/literary)the main line of descent of a family or nation
[古或诗/文] 家谱,系谱;血统
 »the Hellenic tribes were derived from the Aryan stem.
4. the main upright timber or metal piece at the bow of a ship, to which the ship's sides are joined at the front end
• 船头,艏;艏材,艏柱
5. [US informal] a pipe used for smoking crack or opium
[美,非正式] 鸦片烟枪
(stemmed, stemming)
1. [no obj.] (stem from)originate in or be caused by
• 起源于
 »many of the universities' problems stem from rapid expansion.
2. [with obj.] remove the stems from (fruit or tobacco leaves)
• 去掉(水果、烟叶的)干(或茎、梗)
3. [with obj.] (of a boat) make headway against (the tide or current)
• (船)逆流而行
from stem to stern
1. from the front to the back, especially of a ship
• 从头到尾;从船头到船尾
 »surges of water rocked their boats from stem to stern.
stemless adjective
stem-like adjective
1. Old English stemn, stefn, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stam and German Stamm. Sense 4 is related to Dutch steven, German Steven
(stemmed, stemming)
1. [with obj.] stop or restrict (the flow of something)
• 堵住,塞住;制止(流动)
 »a nurse did her best to stem the bleeding.
 »an attempt to stem the rising tide of unemployment.
2. [no obj.] [Skiing] slide the tail of one ski or both skis outwards in order to turn or slow down
[滑雪] 向外转动(滑雪屐)以便转弯(或减速)
1. Middle English (in the sense 'to stop, delay'): from Old Norse stemma, of Germanic origin. The skiing term (early 20th cent.) is from the German verb stemmen

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