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step n.脚步(声);台阶;步骤,措施 vi.举步,走

/ step /

1. an act or movement of putting one leg in front of the other in walking or running
• 跨步,步子
 »Ron took a step back.
 »she turned and retraced her steps.
  the distance covered by such a movement
• 一步的距离,步长
 »Richard came a couple of steps nearer.
  [usu. in sing.] a person's particular way of walking
• 步态,步姿
 »she left the room with a springy step.
  one of the sequences of movement of the feet which make up a dance
• 舞步
  a short or easily walked distance
• 短距离,近距离;步行的距离
 »the market is only a short step from the end of the lake.
2. a flat surface, especially one in a series, on which to place one's foot when moving from one level to another
• 梯级,台阶
 »the bottom step of the staircase.
 »a flight of marble steps.
  a doorstep
• 门阶
 »there was a pint of milk on the step.
  a rung of a ladder
• (梯子的)梯级,横档
  (steps)(或 a pair of steps)[Brit.] a stepladder
[英] 活梯,梯凳
  [Climbing] a foothold cut in a slope of ice
[登山] (在倾斜的冰上凿出的)踏脚处,立足处
  a block fixed to a boat's keel in order to take the base of a mast or other fitting
• 桅座
  [Physics] an abrupt change in the value of a quantity, especially voltage
[物理] (量值,尤指电压的)突然改变落差
3. a measure or action, especially one of a series taken in order to deal with or achieve a particular thing
• 措施,手段
 »the government must take steps to discourage age discrimination.
 »a major step forward in the fight against terrorism.
  a stage in a gradual process
• 步骤,阶段
 »sales are up, which is a step in the right direction.
  a particular position or grade on an ascending or hierarchical scale
• 级别,等级
 »the first step on the managerial ladder.
4. [Music, chiefly US] an interval in a scale; a tone (whole step) or semitone (half step)
[乐主美] 音级;全音;半音
5. [mass noun] step aerobics
• 跑步有氧健身法
 »[as modifier] a step class.
(stepped, stepping)
1. [no obj., with adverbial] lift and set down one's foot or one foot after the other in order to walk somewhere or move to a new position
• 跨步走
 »Claudia tried to step back.
 »I accidentally stepped on his foot.
  [as imperative] used as a polite or deferential way of asking someone to walk a short distance for a particular purpose
• 行走(用于礼貌或恭敬地请某人为某种目的短距离行走)
 »please step this way.
  (step it)[dated] perform a dance
[旧] 跳舞
 »they stepped it down the room between the lines of dancers.
  take a particular course of action
• 做,采取行动
 »he stepped out of retirement to answer an SOS call from his old club.
2. [with obj.] [Nautical] set up (a mast) in its step
[航海] 竖立(桅杆)于桅座上
break step
1. stop walking or marching in step with others
• 停止齐步走
fall into step
1. change the way one is walking so that one is walking in step with another person
• 调整步伐,齐步行进
in (或 out of) step
1. putting (or not putting) one's feet forward alternately in the same rhythm as the people one is walking, marching, or dancing with
• (不与他人一起)走齐步(或合拍跳舞)
  (figurative)conforming (or not conforming) to what others are doing or thinking
[喻] (不)一致,(不)协调
 »the party is clearly out of step with voters.
  [Physics] (of two or more oscillations or other cyclic phenomena) having (or not having) the same frequency and always in the same phase
[物理] (两个或多个振动或别的循环现象)(不)同步
follow (或 tread) in someone's steps
1. do as someone else did, especially in making a journey or following a career
• (尤指旅行或事业上)踏着…的脚步走;效法…的样子,步…的后尘
keep step
1. remain walking, marching, or dancing in step
• 齐步前进;合拍跳舞
mind (或 watch) one's step
1. used as a warning to someone to walk or act carefully
• 走路小心(用作警告)
one step ahead
1. managing to avoid competition or danger from someone or something
• 尽量避免同…的竞争;设法避开危险
 »I try to keep one step ahead of the rest of the staff.
step by step
1. so as to progress gradually and carefully from one stage to the next
• 逐步地
 »I'll explain it to you step by step.
 »[as modifier] a step-by-step guide.
step into the breach --› see breach
step into someone's shoes
1. take control of a task or job from another person
• 接替…的职位(或位置)
step on it (或 step on the gas)
1. [informal] go faster, typically in a motor vehicle
[非正式] 赶快;加快车速,踩油门
step on someone's toes
1. 见tread 条 tread on someone's toes
step out of line
1. behave inappropriately or disobediently
• 偏离常规地做,不合要求地做
step-like adjective
1. Old English stape, stepe (noun), stappan, steppan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch steppen and German stapfen
step aside
1. another way of saying step down below
• 见下面 step down
step back
1. mentally withdraw from a situation in order to consider it objectively
• 退一步以便更客观地思考
step down
1. withdraw or resign from an important position or office
• 下台,退出;辞职
 »Mr Krenz stepped down as party leader a week ago.
step something down
1. decrease voltage by using a transformer
• (用变压器)降低电压
step forward
1. offer one's help or services
• 提供帮助(或服务)
 »a company has stepped forward to sponsor the team.
step in
1. become involved in a difficult or problematic situation, especially in order to help or prevent something from happening
• 插手帮助(或干预)
  act as a substitute for someone
• 代替,顶替
 »Lucy stepped in at very short notice to take Joan's place.
step out
1. leave a room or building, typically for a short time
• 暂时离开,暂时走开
2. [N. Amer. informal] go out with
[北美,非正式] 与…外出娱乐,与…外出参加社交活动
 »he was stepping out with a redheaded waitress.
3. walk with long or vigorous steps
• 大步走;健步走
 »she enjoyed the outing, stepping out manfully.
step out on
1. [US informal] be sexually unfaithful to
[美,非正式] (性关系方面)对…不忠
step something up
1. increase the amount, speed, or intensity of something
• 增加…的量度(或速度、强度)
 »police decided to step up security plans for the match.
  increase voltage using a transformer
• (用变压器)增加电压

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