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stern n.艉,船尾;臀部


1. (of a person or their manner) serious and unrelenting, especially in the assertion of authority and exercise of discipline
• (人或其态度)严厉的,认真的,不屈从的
 »a smile transformed his stern face.
 »Mama looked stern.
  (of an act or statement) strict and severe; using extreme measures or terms
• (法令,陈述)严格的,严厉的
 »stern measures to restrict vehicle growth.
  (of competition or opposition) putting someone or something under extreme pressure
• (竞争,对立)严峻的,严酷的
 »the past year has been a stern test of the ability of British industry.
be made of sterner stuff
1. have a stronger character and be more able to overcome problems than others
• 个性更坚强
 »whereas James was deeply wounded by the failure, George was made of sterner stuff.
the sterner sex
1. (archaic)men regarded collectively and in contrast to women
[古] [总称]男性
sternly adverb
sternness noun
1. Old English styrne, probably from the West Germanic base of the verb stare
1. the rearmost part of a ship or boat
• 船尾,艉
 »he stood at the stern of the yacht.
  (humorous)a person's bottom
[幽默] (人的)臀,臀部
 »my stern can't take too much sun.
by the stern
1. (of a boat) deeper in the water at the rear end
stern foremost
1. moving backwards
 »the crew's workload can be eased by trimming her down by the stern.
  the boat drove stern foremost before the tide。
stern on
1. with the rear end of a ship or boat directed towards something
sterned adjective
 »Trent held the jib back, sailing the catamaran stern on.
  a square-sterned vessel。
• 一艘尾部是方形的船
sternmost adjective
sternwards adverb
1. Middle English: probably from Old Norse stjórn 'steering', from stȳra 'to steer'

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