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stick n.棍,棒;手杖 vt.把…插入;粘住 vi.粘着

/ stik /

1. a thin piece of wood that has fallen or been cut off a tree
• 枯枝;枝条
2. a piece of such wood trimmed for a particular purpose, in particular
• (为特殊目的修剪的)枯枝,枝条,尤指
 »a long, thin piece of wood used for support in walking or as a weapon with which to hit someone or something.
  (in hockey, polo, and other games) a long, thin implement, typically made of wood, with a curved head or angled blade that is used to hit or direct the ball or puck
• (曲棍球、马球等比赛的)球棍
  [usu. with modifier] a short, thin piece of wood used to impale food
• (串食物的)细短棍(或棒)
 »lolly sticks.
  (the sticks)[informal] goalposts or cricket stumps
[非正式] 球门柱;(板球三柱门的)柱
  (sticks)(in field hockey) the foul play of raising the stick above the shoulder
• (曲棍球犯规动作)举棍过肩
  [Nautical, archaic] a mast or spar
[航海古] 桅杆;圆材
  (figurative)a piece of basic furniture
[喻] (家具的)件
 »every stick of furniture just vanished.
3. something resembling or likened to a stick, in particular
• 像(或比作)棍棒的东西,尤指
  a long, thin piece of something
• 条状物
 » a stick of dynamite.
 »cinnamon sticks.
   [US] a quarter-pound pack of butter or margarine
[美] 1/4磅装的黄油(或人造黄油)
  a conductor's baton
• 指挥棒
  a gear or control lever
• 变速杆;操纵杆
  (in extended and metaphorical use) referring to a very thin person or limb
• (引申比喻用法)非常瘦的人(或四肢)
 »the girl was a stick.
 »her arms were like sticks.
  a number of bombs or paratroopers dropped rapidly from an aircraft
• 一批迅速投下的炸弹(或伞兵)
  a small group of soldiers assigned to a particular duty
• 一队特务兵
 » a stick of heavily armed guards.
4. a threat of punishment or unwelcome measures (often contrasted with the offer of reward as a means of persuasion)
• 惩戒;惩罚
 »training that relies more on the carrot than on the stick.
  [mass noun] [Brit. informal] severe criticism or treatment
[英,非正式] 严厉的批评;残酷对待
 » I took a lot of stick from the press.
5. (the sticks)(informal, derogatory)rural areas far from cities or civilization
[非正式,贬] 远离城市(或文明)的乡村地区
 »he felt hard done by living out in the sticks.
6. [with adj.] (informal, dated)a person of a specified kind
[非正式,旧] 人,家伙
 »Janet's not such a bad old stick sometimes.
7. [Stock Exchange] a large quantity of unsold stock, especially the proportion of shares which must be taken up by underwriters after an unsuccessful issue
[股票] (由于发售不成功而必须由承销商认购的)大宗死股
sticks and stones may break my bones but names (或 words) will never hurt me
1. (proverb)used to express indifference to an insult or abuse
[谚] 棍棒能伤人,恶语奈我何
 »all that flies back and forth, really, is word-sticks and stones, y'know?
up the stick
1. [Brit. informal] pregnant
[英,非正式] 怀孕的
up sticks
1. [Brit. informal] go to live elsewhere
[英,非正式] 迁居别处
sticklike adjective
1. Old English sticca 'peg, stick, spoon', of West Germanic origin; related to Dutch stek 'cutting from a plant' and German Stecken 'staff, stick'
(past and past participle stuck )
1. [with obj.] (stick something in/into/through)push a sharp or pointed object into or through (something)
• 刺入,戳入;刺穿
 »he stuck his fork into the sausage.
 »the candle was stuck in a straw-covered bottle.
  (stick something on)fix something on (a point or pointed object)
• 把…插在(尖或尖物上)
 »stick the balls of wool on knitting needles.
  [no obj.] (stick in/into/through)(of a pointed object) be or remain fixed with its point embedded in (something)
• (尖物)被刺入,被插入;被钉住
 »there was a slim rod sticking into the ground beside me.
  [with obj. and adverbial] insert, thrust, or push
• 插,刺;伸
 »a youth with a cigarette stuck behind one ear.
 »she stuck out her tongue at him.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] protrude or extend in a certain direction
• 伸出;突出
 »his front teeth stick out.
 »Sue's hair was sticking up at all angles.
  [with obj. and adverbial of place] put somewhere, typically in a quick or careless way
• (随手)放置
 »just stick that sandwich on my desk.
  [informal] used to express angry dismissal of a particular thing
[非正式] (生气地)放弃(和打发)
 »he told them they could stick the job—he didn't want it anyway.
  [informal] cause to incur an expense or loss
[非正式] 使支付;导致损失
 »she stuck me for all of last month's rent.
  stab or pierce with a sharp object
• 刺伤;刺死
 »[as adj. stuck] he screamed like a stuck pig.
2. [no obj.] adhere or cling to a substance or surface
• 粘住;贴着
 »the plastic seats stuck to my skin.
  [with obj. and adverbial of place] fasten or cause to adhere to an object or surface
• 钉住;粘住,粘贴
 »she stuck the stamp on the envelope.
  be or become fixed or jammed in one place as a result of an obstruction
• 卡住;陷住
 »he drove into a bog, where his wheels stuck fast.
  remain in a static condition; fail to progress
• 停顿下来;没有进展
 »he lost a lot of weight but had stuck at 15 stone.
  (of a feeling or thought) remain persistently in one's mind
• (感情,思想)坚持;固守;信守;长久保留
 »one particular incident sticks in my mind.
  [informal] be or become convincing, established, or regarded as valid
[非正式] 有说服力;已成事实;被认为有效
 »the authorities couldn't make the charges stick.
 »the name stuck and Anastasia she remained.
  (in pontoon and similar card games) decline to add to one's hand
• (21点和相似的牌戏中)不再摸牌
3. (be stuck)be fixed in a particular position or unable to move or be moved
• 卡住,困住;不能移动;不能被移动
 »Sara tried to open the window but it was stuck.
 »we got stuck in a traffic jam.
 »the cat's stuck up a tree.
  be unable to progress with a task or find the answer or solution to something
• 被难住;把…困住
 »I'm doing the crossword and I've got stuck.
  [with adverbial of place] [informal] be or remain in a specified place or situation, typically one perceived as tedious or unpleasant
[非正式] 滞留,停留(尤指不好的环境中)
 »I don't want to be stuck in an office all my life.
  (be stuck for)be at a loss for or in need of
• 不知所措;需要
 »I'm not usually stuck for words.
  (be stuck with)[informal] be unable to get rid of or escape from
[非正式] 摆脱不了;无法逃脱
 »like it or not, she and Grant were stuck with each other.
  (be stuck on)[informal] be infatuated with
[非正式] 迷恋,爱上
 »he's too good for Jenny, even though she's so stuck on him.
4. [often with negative] [Brit. informal] accept or tolerate (an unpleasant or unwelcome person or situation)
[英,非正式] 接受;容忍,忍受
 »I can't stick Geoffrey—he's a real old misery.
  (stick it out)[informal] put up with or persevere with something difficult or disagreeable
[非正式] 经受;坚持
get stuck in (或 into)
1. [Brit. informal] start doing (something) enthusiastically or with determination
[英,非正式] 抓紧干,加紧进行
 »we got stuck into the decorating.
stick at nothing
1. allow nothing to deter one from achieving one's aim, however wrong or dishonest
• 无所顾忌,不惜一切
 »he would stick at nothing to preserve his privileges.
stick 'em up!
1. [informal] hands up! (spoken typically by a person threatening someone else with a gun)
[非正式] 举起手来!(一个人用枪威胁别人时说的话)
stick in one's throat (或 craw)
1. be difficult or impossible to accept; be a source of continuing annoyance
• 很难(或不能)接受;成为持续烦恼的来源
  (of words) be difficult or impossible to say
• (话)很难(或不能)说
 »she couldn't say ‘Thank you’―the words stuck in her throat.
stick it to
1. (informal, chiefly US)treat (someone) harshly or severely
[非正式,主美] 粗暴对待;严厉对待
stick one [或it] on
1. [Brit. informal] hit (someone)
[英,非正式] 击打(某人)
stick one's neck out
1. [informal] risk incurring criticism or anger by acting or speaking boldly
[非正式] (由于行动或说话大胆)冒招致批评(或惹人生气)的危险
stick out a mile --› see mile
stick out like a sore thumb --› see sore
stick to one's ribs
1. (of food) be filling and nourishing
• (食物)撑人而且有营养的
 »a bowl of soup that will stick to your ribs.
1. Old English stician, of Germanic origin; related to German sticken 'embroider', from an Indo-European root shared by Greek stizein 'to prick', stigma 'a mark' and Latin instigare 'spur on'. Early senses included 'pierce' and 'remain fixed (by its embedded pointed end')
stick around
1. [informal] remain in or near a place
[非正式] 呆在某地;呆在附近
 »I'd like to stick around and watch the game.
stick at
1. [informal] persevere with (a task or endeavour) in a steady and determined way
[非正式] 坚持干,继续努力做
stick by
1. continue to support or be loyal to (someone), typically during difficult times
• (尤指在困难时期)继续支持;忠于,对…忠诚
 »I love him and whatever happens I'll stick by him.
2. another way of saying stick to in sense 2 below
• 参见下面 stick to [义项2]
stick something on
1. [informal] place the blame for a mistake or wrongdoing on (someone)
[非正式] (因错误或做错事而)对(某人)责备
stick out
1. be extremely noticeable
• 非常显眼,非常引人注意
 »many important things had happened to him, but one stuck out.
stick out for
1. refuse to accept less than (what one has asked for); persist in demanding (something)
• 拒绝接受;坚持要求
 »they offered him a Rover but Vic stuck out for a Jaguar.
stick to
1. continue or confine oneself to doing or using (a particular thing)
• 继续做(或用);坚持做(或用)
 »I'll stick to bitter lemon, thanks.
  not move or digress from (a path or a subject)
• 不走岔(路);不离(题)
2. adhere to (a commitment, belief, or rule)
• 坚守,信守(许诺,信仰,规则)
 »the government stuck to their election pledges.
stick together
1. [informal] remain united or mutually loyal
[非正式] 团结一致,互相忠诚
 »we Europeans must stick together.
stick someone/thing up
1. (informal, chiefly US)rob someone at gunpoint
[非正式,主美] 持枪抢劫
stick up for
1. support or defend (a person or cause)
• 支持(人,事业);保卫(人,事业)
stick with
[informal 非正式]
1. persevere or continue with
• 坚持;继续
 »I'm happy to stick with the present team.
2. another way of saying stick by above
• 同上面 stick by

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