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stiff a.生硬的

/ stif /

1. not easily bent or changed in shape; rigid
• 不易弯曲的;硬的
 »a stiff black collar.
 »stiff cardboard.
  not moving as freely as is usual or desirable; difficult to turn or operate
• 不灵活的,难活动的;难转向的,难转动的
 »a stiff drawer.
 »the shower tap is a little stiff.
  (of a person or part of the body) unable to move easily and without pain
• (人或身体某部位)僵直的,僵硬的
 »he was stiff from sitting on the desk.
 »a stiff back.
  (of a person or their manner) not relaxed or friendly; constrained
• (人或其态度)拘谨的,局促的,不自然的;傲慢的
 »she greeted him with stiff politeness.
2. severe or strong
• 严格的,严重的;严厉的
 »they face stiff fines and a possible jail sentence.
 »a stiff increase in taxes.
  (of a wind) blowing strongly
• (风)强烈的,强有力的
 »a stiff breeze stirring the lake.
  requiring strength or effort; difficult
• 费劲的,艰难的;困难的
 »a long stiff climb up the bare hillside.
  (of an alcoholic drink) strong
• (酒)浓的,烈性的
 »a stiff measure of brandy.
3. [predic.] (stiff with)[informal] full of
[非正式] 充满,布满
 »the place is stiff with alarm systems.
4. (— stiff)[informal] having a specified unpleasant feeling to an extreme extent
[非正式] (不好的感觉)十分,极其
 »she was scared stiff.
 »I was bored stiff with my project.
noun, [informal] [非正式]
1. a dead body
• 死尸
2. (chiefly N. Amer.)a boring, conventional person
[主北美] 令人讨厌的人,因循守旧的人
 »ordinary working stiffs in respectable offices.
3. (the stiffs)[Brit.] a sports club's reserve team
[英] (体育俱乐部的)后备队,候补队
verb, [with obj.] [informal] [非正式]
1. [常作 be stiffed] [N. Amer.] cheat (someone) out of something, especially money
[北美] 欺骗,欺诈
  fail to leave (someone) a tip
• 不给…小费
2. [N. Amer.] ignore deliberately; snub
[北美] 冷落,怠慢
3. kill
• 杀死
 »I want to get those pigs who stiffed your doctor.
  [no obj.] be unsuccessful
• 失败,不成功
 »as soon as he began singing about the wife and kids, his albums stiffed.
stiff as a board
1. [informal] (of a person or part of the body) extremely stiff
[非正式] (人或身体某部位)非常僵硬的
a stiff upper lip
1. a quality of uncomplaining stoicism
• 坚定沉着,感情不外露,坚忍
 »senior managers had to keep a stiff upper lip and remain optimistic.
stiffish adjective
stiffly adverb
stiffness noun
1. Old English stīf, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stijf

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