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story n.故事,小说;楼层(=storey);新闻报道

/ 5stC:ri /

(pl. -ies)
1. an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment
• 故事,传说,传奇
 »an adventure story.
 »I'm going to tell you a story.
  a plot or storyline
• 情节
 »the novel has a good story.
  a report of an item of news in a newspaper, magazine, or news broadcast
• (报纸、杂志、新闻广播的)新闻报道,记事
 »stories in the local papers.
  a piece of gossip; a rumour
• 闲话;谣言
 »there have been lots of stories going around, as you can imagine.
  [informal] a false statement or explanation; a lie
[非正式] 假话;错误的解释;谎话
 »Ellie never told stories—she had always believed in the truth.
2. an account of past events in someone's life or in the evolution of something
• (对人的一生或事物发展所经历事情的)叙述,描述
 »the story of modern farming.
 »the film is based on a true story.
  a particular person's representation of the facts of a matter, especially as given in self-defence
• (尤指为自我辩护而作的)事实陈述
 »during police interviews, Harper changed his story.
  [in sing.] a situation viewed in terms of the information known about it or its similarity to another
• 内情,实情,详情
 »having such information is useful, but it is not the whole story.
 »many children with leukaemia now survive—twenty years ago it was a very different story.
  (the story)[informal] the facts about the present situation
[非正式] 当前实况
 »What's the story on this man? Is he from around here?
3. the commercial prospects or circumstances of a particular company
• (公司的)商业前景,商业现状
 »profitable businesses with solid stories.
but that's another story
1. [informal] used after raising a matter to indicate that one does not want to expand on it for now
[非正式] 但是那是另一回事
end of story
1. [informal] used to emphasize that there is nothing to add on a matter just mentioned
[非正式] 就是这个样子,仅此而已
 »Men don't cry in public. End of story.
it's a long story
1. [informal] used to indicate that, for now, one does not want to talk about something that is too painful and involved
[非正式] 说来话长,一言难尽
it's (或 that's) the story of one's life
1. [informal] used to lament the fact that a particular misfortune has happened too often in one's experience
[非正式] 那就是…经历的缩影
the same old story
1. used to indicate that a particular bad situation is tediously familiar
• 老一套,老样子
 »United kept on trying but it was the same old sotry—no luck.
the story goes
1. it is said or rumoured
• 据说;据谣传
 » the story goes that he's fallen out with his friends.
to cut (或北美
1. used to end an account of events quickly
• 长话短说,简而言之
 »to cut a long story short, I married Stephen.
1. Middle English (denoting a historical account or representation): shortening of Anglo-Norman French estorie, from Latin historia (see history )
1. [N. Amer.] . variant spelling of storey
[北美] storey

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