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streak 条纹

/ stri:k /

1. a long, thin line or mark of a different substance or colour from its surroundings
• 条纹,条痕,色带
 »a streak of oil.
  [Microbiology] a narrow line of bacteria smeared on the surface of a solid culture medium
[微生物] (细菌在固体培养基上的)画线
2. an element of a specified kind in someone's character
• (性格的)特征,倾向
 »there's a streak of insanity in the family.
 »Lucy had a ruthless streak.
  [usu. with adj.] a continuous period of specified success or luck
• (成功或幸运的)一段时间,一阵子
 »the theatre is on a winning streak.
 »Hull ended their four-game losing streak.
3. [informal] an act of running naked in a public place so as to shock or amuse others
[非正式] 公共场合裸跑
 »a streak for charity.
1. [with obj.] cover (a surface) with streaks
• 在(表面)加条纹
 »tears streaking her face, Cynthia looked up.
 »his beard was streaked with grey.
  dye (hair) with long, thin lines of a different, typically lighter colour than one's natural hair colour
• 染(头发)成条纹状
 »[with obj. and complement] hair that was streaked blonde.
  [Microbiology] smear (a needle, swab, etc.) over the surface of a solid culture medium to initiate a culture
[微生物] (用针或药签在固体培养基表面)画线(接种细菌)涂布
2. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move very fast in a specified direction
• 飞跑,疾驰
 »the cat leaped free and streaked across the street.
3. [no obj.] [informal] run naked in a public place so as to shock or amuse others
[非正式] 在公共场合裸跑
like a streak
1. [informal] very fast
[非正式] 飞快地,闪电般地
 »he is off like a streak.
streak of lightning
1. a flash of lightning
• 一道闪电
streaker noun (限动词义项3)
1. Old English strica, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch streek and German Strich, also to strike. The sense 'run naked' was originally US slang

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