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stream n.小河;溪流;流动之物;流动 vi.流(涌)出

/ stri:m /

1. a small, narrow river
• 小河,小溪
2. a continuous flow of liquid, air, or gas
• (液体、空气、气体的)流,股,缕
 »Frank blew out a stream of smoke.
 »the blood gushed out in scarlet streams.
  a mass of people or things moving continuously in the same direction
• (人,东西)流动,涌动
 »there is a steady stream of visitors.
  a large number of things that happen or come one after the other
• 一连串
 »a woman screamed a stream of abuse.
  [Computing] a continuous flow of data or instructions, typically one having a constant or predictable rate
[计算机] (数据,指令)流
3. [Brit.] a group in which schoolchildren of the same age and ability are taught
[英] (年龄和能力相仿的儿童分在一起的)能力小组
 »children in the top streams.
1. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] (of liquid) run or flow in a continuous current in a specified direction
• (液体)流,淌
 »she sat with tears streaming down her face.
 »sunlight streamed through the windows.
  (of a mass of people or things) move in a continuous flow in a specified direction
• (一群人,东西)涌,涌动;流动
 »he was watching the taxis streaming past.
2. [no obj.] [一般作 be streaming] (of a person or part of the body) produce a continuous flow of liquid; run with liquid
• (人或身体的某部位)流出液体;(液体)流,淌,滴
 »my eyes were streaming.
 »I woke up in the night, streaming with sweat.
 »[with obj.] his mouth was streaming blood.
3. [no obj.] (of hair, clothing, etc.) float or wave at full extent in the wind
• (头发、衣服等)飘扬,招展
 »her black cloak streamed behind her.
4. [Brit.] put (schoolchildren) in groups of the same age and ability to be taught together
[英] 把(学龄儿童)分成年龄能力相当的小组,分进度
 »[as noun streaming] streaming within comprehensive schools is common practice.
against (或 with) the stream
1. against (or with) the prevailing view or tendency
• (不)随波逐流,(不)顺应潮流,(不)随大流
 »a world in which the demand for quality does not run against the stream.
on stream
1. in or into operation or existence; available
• 在生产;投入生产;存在;出现
 »more jobs are coming on stream.
streamlet noun
1. Old English strēam (noun), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch stroom, German Strom, from an Indo-European root shared by Greek rhein 'to flow'

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