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string n.弦,线,细绳;(一串),(一行) v.缚,捆

/ striN /

1. [mass noun] material consisting of threads of cotton, hemp, or other material twisted together to form a thin length
• 线;细绳
  [count noun] a piece of such material used to tie round or attach to something
• 绳子,带子
  [count noun] a piece of catgut or similar material interwoven with others to form the head of a sports racket
• (网拍的)羊肠线;网线
  [count noun] a length of catgut or wire on a musical instrument, producing a note by vibration
• (乐器的)弦
  (strings)the stringed instruments in an orchestra
• (乐队的)弦乐器
  [as modifier] of, relating to, or consisting of stringed instruments
• 弦乐器(的);与弦乐器有关(的);由弦乐器组成(的)
 »a string quartet.
2. a set of things tied or threaded together on a thin cord
• 一连串
 »she wore a string of agates round her throat.
  a sequence of similar items or events
• 一系列(类似物件或事件)
 » a string of burglaries.
  [Computing] a linear sequence of characters, words, or other data
[计算机] (字符,语句等数据)串
  a group of racehorses trained at one stable
• (同一训马场训练的)一组赛马
  a reserve team or player holding a specified position in an order of preference
• (按先后顺序排列的)后备队;候补队员
 »the village team held Rangers' second string to a 0–0 draw.
  a player assigned a specified rank in a team in an individual sport such as squash
• (墙网球等)处于特定排位的队员
 »Taylor lost in straight games to third string Baines.
3. a tough piece of fibre in vegetables, meat, or other food, such as a tough elongated piece connecting the two halves of a bean pod
• (蔬菜、肉等)纤维,筋,络
4. short for stringboard
• stringboard 的简称
5. [Physics] a hypothetical one-dimensional subatomic particle having the dynamical properties of a flexible loop
[物理] 一种假设的亚原子粒子
  (也作 cosmic string)a hypothetical thread-like concentration of energy within the structure of space–time
• 宇宙弦
(past and past participle strung )
1. [with obj. and adverbial] hang (something) so that it stretches in a long line
• 挂,吊
 »lights were strung across the promenade.
  thread (a series of small objects) on a string
• 用线穿,串起
 »he collected stones with holes in them and strung them on a strong cord.
  (be strung)be arranged in a long line
• 使排成一行,使排成一列
 »the houses were strung along the road.
  (string something together)add items to one another to form a series or coherent whole
• 把…连在一起
 »he can't string two sentences together.
2. [with obj.] fit a string or strings to (a musical instrument, a racket, or a bow)
• 给(乐器,球拍,弓)配弦
 »the harp had been newly strung.
3. [with obj.] remove the strings from (a bean)
• (豆荚)去筋
4. [with obj.] (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)hoax
[非正式,主北美] 欺骗,戏弄,愚弄
 »I'm not stringing you—I'll eat my shirt if it's not true.
5. [no obj.] work as a stringer in journalism
• 当特约记者
 »he strings for almost every French radio service.
6. [no obj.] [Billiards] determine the order of play by striking the cue ball from baulk to rebound off the top cushion, first stroke going to the player whose ball comes to rest nearer the bottom cushion
[台球] 确定击球顺序
have many strings to one's bow
--› see bow
how long is a piece of string?
1. used to indicate that something cannot be given a finite measurement
• 你知道一根绳子有多长?(表示不能给出确切尺寸)
no strings attached
1. [informal] used to show that an offer or opportunity carries no special conditions or restrictions
[非正式] 无附加条件
on a string
1. under one's control or influence
• 受…的控制,受…的影响
 »I keep all three men on a string and never make a choice.
stringless adjective
string-like adjective
1. Old English streng (noun), of Germanic origin; related to German Strang, also to strong. The verb (dating from late Middle English) is first recorded in the senses 'arrange in a row' and 'fit with a string'
string along
1. [informal] stay with or accompany a person or group casually or as long as it is convenient
[非正式] 陪伴,伴随
string someone along
1. [informal] mislead someone deliberately over a length of time, especially about one's intentions
[非正式] 欺骗,愚弄
 »she had no plans to marry him—she was just stringing him along.
string something out
1. cause something to stretch out; prolong something
• 延长,展开成行
  (string out)stretch out into a long line
• 排成一列,延伸为一线
 »the runners string out in a line across the road.
  (be strung out)be nervous or tense
• 紧张的,不安的
 »I often felt strung out by daily stresses.
  (be strung out)[N. Amer.] be under the influence of alcohol or drugs
[北美] 喝醉的;吸了毒的
 »he died, strung out on booze and cocaine.
string someone/thing up
1. hang something up on strings
• 用绳吊挂
  kill someone by hanging
• 绞死,吊死
2. (be strung up)[Brit.] be tense or nervous
[英] 紧张的,不安的

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