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stroke (打、击等的)一下

/ strEuk /

1. an act of hitting or striking someone or something; a blow
• 敲;打,击;打击
 »he received three strokes of the cane.
  a method of striking the ball in sports or games
• (球戏)抽,击,打法
  [Golf] an act of hitting the ball with a club, as a unit of scoring
[高尔夫] (作为记分单位的)击球,杆
 »he won by two strokes.
  the sound made by a striking clock
• (鸣钟的)钟声
2. an act of moving one's hand or an object across a surface, applying gentle pressure
• 轻抚,摩,捋
 »massage the cream into your skin using light upward strokes.
  a mark made by drawing a pen, pencil, or paintbrush in one direction across paper or canvas
• 一笔,一划
 »the paint had been applied in careful, regular strokes.
  a line forming part of a written or printed character
• (字的)笔划
  a short printed or written diagonal line typically separating characters or figures
• (分隔字符、数字的)斜线
3. a movement, especially one of a series, in which something moves out of its position and back into it; a beat
• 来回运动;扑打
 »the ray swam with effortless strokes of its huge wings.
  the whole motion of a piston in either direction
• (活塞)往复运动,冲程
  the rhythm to which a series of repeated movements is performed
• (一系列重复运动的)节奏,律动
 »the rowers sing to keep their stroke.
  a movement of the arms and legs forming one of a series in swimming
• 游泳中手臂和腿配合系列中的一个动作
  style of moving the arms and legs in swimming
• 泳式,游泳姿势
 »front crawl is a popular stroke.
  (in rowing) the mode or action of moving the oar
• (划船用语)划桨;划法,划桨法
  (也作 stroke oar)the oar or oarsman nearest the stern of a boat, setting the timing for the other rowers
• 尾桨;尾桨手,领桨
4. a sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain, especially through thrombosis
• 中风;卒中
verb, [with obj.]
1. move one's hand with gentle pressure over (a surface, especially hair, fur, or skin), typically repeatedly; caress
• 轻抚,摩,捋
 »he put his hand on her hair and stroked it.
  [with obj. and adverbial of place] apply (something) to a surface using a gentle movement
• 在…上轻轻涂抹
 »she strokes blue eyeshadow on her eyelids.
  [N. Amer. informal] reassure or flatter (someone), especially in order to gain their cooperation
[北美,非正式] 讨好,奉承
 »production executives were expert at stroking stars and brokering talent.
2. act as the stroke of (a boat or crew)
• 当…的尾桨手,当…的领桨
 »he stroked the coxed four to victory.
3. hit or kick (a ball) smoothly and deliberately
• 击,抽(球)
 »Markwick stroked the ball home.
  score (a run or point) in such a manner
• 击球得分
 »the senior stroked a two-run single.
at a (或 one) stroke
1. by a single action having immediate effect
• 一下子,一举
 »attitudes cannot be changed at one stroke.
not (或 never) do a stroke of work
1. do no work at all
• 什么也不干,根本不工作
on the stroke of
1. precisely at the specified time
• 准时地,准点地
 »he arrived on the stroke of two.
put someone off their stroke
1. disconcert someone so that they do not work or perform as well as they might; break the pattern or rhythm of someone's work
• 打乱…的工作进度;打扰
stroke of business
1. a profitable transaction
• 有利可图的交易,赚钱的交易
stroke of genius
1. an outstandingly brilliant and original idea
• 非凡的创见
stroke of luck (或 good luck)
1. a fortunate occurrence that could not have been predicted or expected
• 突交好运,突然走运
strokeable adjective
stroker noun
1. Old English strācian 'caress lightly', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch streek 'a stroke', German streichen 'to stroke', also to strike. The earliest noun sense 'blow' is first recorded in Middle English

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