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subscribe vi.订购,认购;预订

/ sEb5skraib /

1. [no obj.] arrange to receive something, typically a publication, regularly by paying in advance
• 订阅;订购(出版物)
 » subscribe to the magazine for twelve months and receive a free limited-edition T-shirt.
  contribute or undertake to contribute a certain sum of money to a particular fund, project, or charitable cause, typically on a regular basis
• 向(某个基金、项目或慈善事业)捐款(多指定期捐款);认捐
 »he is one of the millions who subscribe to the NSPCC.
 »[with obj.] he subscribed £400 to the campaign.
  (subscribe to)(figurative)express or feel agreement with (an idea or proposal)
[喻] 同意(观点,建议)
 »we prefer to subscribe to an alternative explanation.
  [with obj.] apply to participate in
• 申请加入
 »the course has been fully subscribed.
  apply for or undertake to pay for an issue of shares
• 认购(股票)
 »they subscribed to the July rights issue at 300p a share.
 »[with obj.] the issue was fully subscribed.
  [with obj.] pay or guarantee (money) for an issue of shares
• (为认股)支付(或保证支付)
 »10 million 50p units will be distributed to savers in proportion to the funds they subscribe.
  [with obj.] (of a bookseller) agree before publication to take (a certain number of copies of a book)
• (书商在书籍出版前)订购
 »most of the first print run of 15,000 copies has been subscribed.
2. [with obj.] [formal] sign (a will, contract, or other document)
[正式] 签署(遗嘱、合同或其他文件)
 »he subscribed the will as a witness.
  sign (one's name) on such a document
• 签(名)
  (subscribe oneself)[with complement] (archaic)sign oneself as
[古] 签字称(自己)为
 »he ventured still to subscribe himself her most obedient servant.
subscriber noun
1. late Middle English (in the sense 'sign at the bottom of a document'): from Latin subscribere, from sub- 'under' + scribere 'write'

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