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suck v.&n.吸,舐;吸收(取)

/ sQk /

1. [with obj.] draw into the mouth by contracting the muscles of the lip and mouth to make a partial vacuum
• 吸
 »they suck mint juleps through straws.
  hold (something) in the mouth and draw at it by contracting the lip and cheek muscles
• 含在嘴里舔吃,吮吸
 »she sucked a mint.
 »[no obj.] the child sucked on her thumb.
  draw milk, juice, or other fluid from (something) into the mouth or by suction
• 吸…的奶(或果汁、其他的液汁)
 »she sucked each segment of the orange carefully.
  [with obj.andadverbial of direction] draw in a specified direction by creating a vacuum
• 吸引,卷入,吞没
 »he was sucked under the surface of the river.
  (figurative)involve (someone) in something without their choosing
[喻] 使卷入
 »I didn't want to be sucked into the role of dutiful daughter.
  [noobj.] (of a pump) make a gurgling sound as a result of drawing air instead of water
• (水泵)空抽
2. [noobj.] [N. Amer. informal] be very bad , disagreeable, or disgusting. suckhole
[北美,非正式] 太差,令人不快,令人厌恶
 »I love your country but your weather sucks.
1. an act of sucking something
• 吸食,吮吸;吸,抽吸
  the sound made by water retreating and drawing at something
• (水流的)冲刷声
 »the soft suck of the sea against the sand.
1. (sucks)[Brit. informal] used to express derision and defiance
[英,非正式] 瞧(某人)这副狼狈相(用来表达嘲笑和蔑视)
 » sucks to them!.
give suck
1. (archaic)give milk from the breast or teat; suckle
[古] 喂奶,哺乳
suck someone dry
1. exhaust someone's physical, material, or emotional resources
• 耗尽某人的体力(物力或感情)
suck it and see
1. [Brit. informal] used to suggest that the only way to know if something will work or be suitable is to try it
[英,非正式] 试一下就知道了
suck it up
1. [US informal] accept a hardship
[美,非正式] 接受苦难
1. Old English sūcan (verb), from an Indo-European imitative root; related to soak
suck up
1. [informal] behave obsequiously, especially for one's own advantage
[非正式] (尤指为了自己的利益)巴结,奉承
 »he has risen to where he is mainly by sucking up to the president.

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