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surge v 浪潮;涌来

/ sE:dV /

1. a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the waves or tide
• 汹涌(尤指人潮,波涛,潮汐等)
 »flooding caused by tidal surges.
  a sudden large increase, typically a brief one which happens during an otherwise stable or quiescent period
• 急剧上升;激增(尤指在相对稳定时期发生的短暂现象)
 »the firm predicted a 20% surge in sales.
  a powerful rush of an emotion or feeling
• (感情)汹涌;翻腾
 »Sophie felt a surge of anger.
  a sudden marked increase in voltage or current in an electric circuit
• (电路中的)浪涌
1. [no obj., usu. with adverbial] (of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward
• (人群,自然力)汹涌;奔腾
 »the journalists surged forward.
  increase suddenly and powerfully, typically during an otherwise stable or quiescent period
• 急剧上升;激增
 »shares surged to a record high.
  (of an emotion or feeling) affect someone powerfully and suddenly
• (感情,情绪在心中)澎湃
 »indignation surged up within her.
  (of an electric voltage or current) increase suddenly
• (电压,电流)猛增,浪涌
  [Nautical] (of a rope, chain, or windlass) slip back with a jerk
[航海] (绳子,缆索,绞盘)突然松开,突然滑脱
1. late 15th cent. (in the sense 'fountain, stream'): the noun (in early use) from Old French sourgeon; the verb partly from the Old French stem sourge-, based on Latin surgere 'to rise'. Early senses of the verb included 'rise and fall on the waves' and 'swell with great force'

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