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swear 发誓

/ swZE /

(past swore ; past participle sworn )
1. [reporting verb] make a solemn statement or promise undertaking to do something or affirming that something is the case
• 发誓;保证
 »[with clause] Maria made me swear I would never tell anyone.
 »I swear by all I hold dear that I had nothing to do with it.
 »[with infinitive] he swore to obey the rules.
 »[with direct speech] ‘Never again,’ she swore, ‘will I be short of money’.
 »[with obj.] they were reluctant to swear allegiance.
  [with obj.] take (an oath)
• 宣誓
 »he forced them to swear an oath of loyalty to him.
  [with obj.] take a solemn oath as to the truth of (a statement)
• 宣誓保证(说的是真话)
 »I asked him if he would swear a statement to this effect.
  [with obj.] (swear someone in)admit someone to a particular office or position by directing them to take a formal oath
• 宣誓就职
 »he was sworn in as president on 10 July.
  [with obj.] make (someone) promise to observe a certain course of action
• 使宣誓,命…宣誓;以誓言约束
 »I've been sworn to secrecy.
  [no obj., usu. with negative] (swear to)express one's assurance that something is the case
• 保证…确定无疑
 »I couldn't swear to it, but I'm pretty sure it's his writing.
  [no obj.] (swear off)[informal] promise to abstain from
[非正式] 保证戒掉
 »I'd sworn off alcohol.
  [no obj.] (swear by)[informal] have or express great confidence in the use, value, or effectiveness of
[非正式] 极其信赖;推荐
 »Iris swears by her yoga.
2. [no obj.] use offensive language, especially as an expression of anger
• 诅咒;咒骂
 »Peter swore under his breath.
swear blind (或北美
1. [Brit. informal] affirm something emphatically
[英,非正式] 断定,一口咬定
 »his informant swore blind that the weapons were still there.
swearer noun
1. Old English swerian of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zweren, German schwören, also to answer
swear something out
1. [US Law] obtain the issue of (a warrant for arrest) by making a charge on oath
[美律] 经宣誓保证所控属实后发给(拘捕证)

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