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sweat vi.出汗,流汗n.汗,汗水

/ swet /

1. [mass noun] moisture exuded through the pores of the skin, typically in profuse quantities as a reaction to heat, physical exertion, fever, or fear
• 汗,汗水
  [count noun] an instance of exuding moisture in this way over a period of time
• 出汗
 »even thinking about him made me break out in a sweat.
 »we'd all worked up a sweat in spite of the cold.
  [count noun] [informal] a state of flustered anxiety or distress
[非正式] 焦急;痛苦
 »I don't believe he'd get into such a sweat about a girl.
  [informal] hard work; effort
[非正式] 费力的事;努力
 »computer graphics take a lot of the sweat out of animation.
  [in sing.] [informal] a laborious task or undertaking
[非正式] 苦活
 »helping to run the meeting was a bit of a sweat.
2. (sweats)(chiefly N. Amer.). informal term for sweatsuit or sweatpants
[主北美,非正式] 同 sweatsuit 或 sweatpants
  [as modifier] denoting loose casual garments made of thick, fleecy cotton
• (用羊毛似的厚棉布做的)宽松休闲服装
 »sweat tops and bottoms.
(past and past participle sweated 或美 sweat)
1. [no obj.] exude sweat
• 出汗
 »he was sweating profusely.
  [with obj.] (sweat something out/off)get rid of (something) from the body by exuding sweat
• 通过排汗排除
 »a well-hydrated body sweats out waste products more efficiently.
  [with obj.] cause (a person or animal) to exude sweat by exercise or exertion
• (通过运动或费力)使(人,动物)出汗
 »cold as it was, the climb had sweated him.
  (of food or an object) ooze or exude beads of moisture on to its surface
• (食品,物体)渗出水分
 »cheese stored at room temperature will quickly begin to sweat.
  (of a person) exert a great deal of strenuous effort
• (人)拼命干
 »I've sweated over this for six months.
  (of a person) be or remain in a state of extreme anxiety, typically for a prolonged period
• (人)(多指长时间的)处于极度焦虑中
 »I let her sweat for a while, then I asked her out again.
  [with obj.] [US] [informal] worry about (something)
[美,非正式] 担心
 »he's not going to have a lot of time to sweat the details.
2. [with obj.] heat (chopped vegetables) slowly in a pan with a small amount of fat, so that they cook in their own juices
• 慢火加少许油在锅里煮(切好的蔬菜)
 »sweat the celery and onions with olive oil and seasoning.
  [no obj.] (of chopped vegetables) be cooked in this way
• (切好的蔬菜)加少许油慢火煮
 »let the chopped onion sweat gently for five minutes.
3. [with obj. and adverbial] subject (metal) to surface melting, especially to fasten or join by solder without a soldering iron
• 熔焊(金属)
 »the tyre is sweated on to the wooden parts.
break sweat (或美
1. [informal] exert oneself physically
[非正式] 累得筋疲力尽
by the sweat of one's brow
1. by one's own hard work, typically manual labour
• 靠自己辛苦劳动(多指体力劳动)
don't sweat it
1. [US informal] used to urge someone not to worry
[美,非正式] 别担心
no sweat
1. [informal] used to convey that one perceives no difficulty or problem with something
[非正式] 一点都不困难;不必担心
 »‘We haven't any decaf, I'm afraid.’ ‘No sweat.’.
sweat blood
1. [informal] make an extraordinarily strenuous effort to do something
[非正式] 累死累活地干
 »she's sweated blood to support her family.
  be extremely anxious
• 极度焦虑
 »we've been sweating blood over the question of what is right.
sweat buckets
1. [informal] sweat profusely
[非正式] 汗如雨下
sweat bullets
1. [N. Amer. informal] be extremely anxious or nervous
[北美,非正式] 非常焦虑(或担心)
sweat it out
1. [informal] endure an unpleasant experience, typically one involving physical exertion in great heat
[非正式] 忍受(痛苦的经历,多指在炎热的环境中进行的重体力劳动)
 »about 1,500 runners are expected to sweat it out in this year's run.
  wait in a state of extreme anxiety for something to happen or be resolved
• 焦急地等待(事情的发生或解决)
 »he sweated it out until the lab report was back.
sweat the small stuff
1. [US informal] worry about trivial things
[美,非正式] 为小事担心
1. Old English swāt (noun), swǽtan (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zweet and German Schweiss, from an Indo-European root shared by Latin sudor

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