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swim vi.游泳;充满,充溢 vt.游过 n.游泳

/ swim /

(swimming; past swam ; past participle swum )
1. [no obj.] propel the body through water by using the limbs, or (in the case of a fish or other aquatic animal) by using fins, tail, or other bodily movement
• 游泳
 »they swam ashore.
 »Adrian taught her to swim breaststroke.
  [with obj.] cross (a particular stretch of water) in this way
• 横渡
 »she swam the Channel.
  float on or at the surface of a liquid
• 漂浮
 »bubbles swam on the surface.
  [with obj.] cause to float or move across water
• 使漂浮;使渡过
 »the Russians were able to swim their infantry carriers across.
2. [no obj.] be immersed in or covered with liquid
• 浸;被液体覆盖
 »mashed potatoes swimming in gravy.
3. [no obj.] appear to reel or whirl before one's eyes
• (仿佛)在眼前旋转,(仿佛)在眼前晃动
 »Emily rubbed her eyes as the figures swam before her eyes.
  experience a dizzily confusing sensation in one's head
• 眩晕
 »the drink made his head swim.
1. an act or period of swimming
• 游泳
 »we went for a swim in the river.
2. a pool in a river which is a particularly good spot for fishing
• (河流中)适合钓鱼的静止深水处,深潭
 »he landed two 5 lb chub from the same swim.
in the swim
1. involved in or aware of current affairs or events
• 积极参加当前活动的;合潮流的;识时务的
swim with (或 against) the tide
1. act in accordance with (or against) the prevailing opinion or tendency
• 顺应(或反)潮流(或当前流行的观点或趋势)
swimmable adjective
swimmer noun
1. Old English swimman (verb), of Germanic origin; related to Dutch zwemmen and German schwimmen
1. In standard English, the past tense of swim is swamshe swam to the shoreand the past participle is swumshe had never swum there beforeIn the 17th and 18th centuries swam and swum were used interchangeably for the past participle, but this is not acceptable in standard modern English

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