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swing v.(使)摆动;(使)转动 n.摆动,摇摆;秋千

/ swiN /

(past and past participle swung )
1. move or cause to move back and forth or from side to side while or as if suspended
• 摆动;摇动
 »[no obj.] her long black skirt swung about her legs.
 »[with obj.] a priest began swinging a censer.
 »[as adj. swinging] local girls with their castanets and their swinging hips.
  [often with adverbial or complement] move or cause to move in alternate directions or in either direction on an axis
• (在轴上)转动
 »[no obj.] a wooden gate swinging crazily on its hinges.
 »[with obj.] he swung the heavy iron door to.
  [with obj.] turn (a ship or aircraft) to all compass points in succession, in order to test compass error
• (为求各航向的罗经自差)移转(船,飞机)
  [informal] be executed by hanging
[非正式] 绞死
 »now he was going to swing for it.
2. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move by grasping a support from below and leaping
• (以某物为支点)纵身一跳
 »we swung across like two trapeze artists.
 »the Irishman swung himself into the saddle.
  move quickly round to the opposite direction
• 突然转身
 »Ronni had swung round to face him.
  move with a rhythmic swaying gait
• (迈着有节奏的步伐)行进
 »the riflemen swung along smartly.
3. [with adverbial of direction] move or cause to move in a smooth, curving line
• 滑动;甩
 »[withobj.] he swung her bag up on to the rack.
 »[no obj.] the cab swung into the car park.
  [with obj.] bring down (something held) with a curving movement, typically in order to hit an object
• (多指为了击中物体)挥动
 »I swung the club and missed the ball.
  [no obj.] (swing at)attempt to hit or punch, typically with a wide curving movement of the arm
• (多指挥动手臂)想要击打
 »he swung at me with the tyre wrench.
  throw (a punch) with such a movement
• 挥(拳)
 »she swung a punch at him.
  [with obj.] [Cricket] (of a bowler) make a delivery of (a ball) deviate (typically sideways) from a regular course in the air
[板球] 投侧飞球
  [no obj.] [Cricket] (of a ball) deviate in such a way
[板球] (球)向侧面飞去
4. shift or cause to shift from one opinion, mood, or state of affairs to another
• 改变意见(情绪,事情的状态);使改变态度
 »[no obj.] opinion swung in the Chancellor's favour.
 »[with obj.] the failure to seek a peace could swing sentiment the other way.
  [with obj.] have a decisive influence on (something, especially a vote or election)
• 对(某事,尤指选举、投票)有决定性的影响
 »an attempt to swing the vote in their favour.
  [with obj.] [informal] succeed in bringing about
[非正式] 成功地完成
 »with us backing you we might be able to swing something.
5. [no obj.] play music with an easy flowing but vigorous rhythm
• 以强劲的节奏演奏
 »the band swung on.
  (of music) be played with such a rhythm
• (音乐)以这种方式演奏
6. [no obj.] [informal] (of an event, place, or way of life) be lively, exciting, or fashionable
[非正式] (地方)供人娱乐;(事件)激动人心;(生活方式)时髦
7. [no obj.] [informal] be promiscuous, especially by engaging in group sex or swapping sexual partners
[非正式] 男女乱交(尤指群交或交换性伙伴)
1. a seat suspended by ropes or chains, on which someone may sit and swing back and forth
• 秋千
  a spell of swinging on such an apparatus
• 荡秋千
2. an act of swinging
• 摇动
 »with the swing of her arm, the knife flashed through the air.
  the manner in which a golf club or a bat is swung
• (高尔夫球棍,球拍)挥动的方式
 »improve your golf swing.
  [mass noun] the motion of swinging
• 摇动感
 »this short cut gave her hair new movement and swing.
  [in sing.] a smooth flowing rhythm or action
• 流畅轻快的节奏(或行动)
 »they came with a steady swing up the last reach.
  [mass noun] [Cricket] sideways deviation of the ball from a regular path
[板球] 侧飞球
 »[as modifier] a swing bowler.
3. a discernible change in opinion, especially the amount by which votes or points scored change from one side to another
• 意见的明显变化(尤指选票或得分从一方倾向于另一方)
 »a five per cent swing to Labour.
4. [mass noun] a style of jazz or dance music with an easy flowing but vigorous rhythm
• 摇摆乐
  the rhythmic feeling or drive of such music
• 摇摆乐的动感
5. [N. Amer.] a swift tour involving a number of stops, especially one undertaken as part of a political campaign
[北美] 多处逗留的旅行;竞选旅行
get (back) into the swing of things
1. [informal] get used to (or return to) being easy and relaxed about an activity or routine one is engaged in
[非正式] 对活动(或程序)开始(或重新)熟悉
go with a swing
1. [informal] (of a party or other event) be lively and enjoyable
[非正式] (聚会或其他事件)生动活泼的,令人愉快的
in full swing
1. at the height of activity
• 活动高潮期
 »by nine-thirty the dance was in full swing.
swing the lead
1. [Brit. informal] malinger; shirk one's duty
[英,非正式] 装病;逃避责任
swings and roundabouts
1. [Brit.] a situation in which different actions or options result in no eventual gain or loss
[英] 有所得也有所失的情况;失之东隅,收之桑榆
 »the advantages of a small company over a large one is a matter of swings and roundabouts.
swing into action
1. quickly begin acting or operating
• 迅速行动(或运行)
swinger noun
1. Old English swingan 'to beat, whip', also 'rush', geswing 'a stroke with a weapon', of Germanic origin; related to German schwingen 'brandish'

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