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table n.桌(台)子;表格vt.提交讨论

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1. a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, providing a level surface on which objects may be placed, and which can be used for such purposes as eating, writing, working, or playing games
• 桌子
  [in sing.] food provided in a restaurant or household
• 一桌酒席,饭菜
 »he was reputed to have the finest French table of the time.
  a group seated at table for a meal
• (吃饭的)一桌人
 »the whole table was in gales of laughter.
  (the table)a meeting place for formal discussions held to settle an issue or dispute
• 谈判桌
 »the negotiating table.
  [in sing.] [Bridge] the dummy hand (which is exposed on the table)
[桥牌] 明手;明家
2. a set of facts or figures systematically displayed, especially in columns
• 列表,一览表,表格
  a list of rivals or competitors showing their positions relative to one another; a league table
• 成绩对照表,名次表;联赛成绩记录及名次表
  (tables)multiplication tables
• 乘法表
 »children at the school have spelling tests and learn their tables.
  [Computing] a collection of data stored in memory as a series of records, each defined by a unique key stored with it
[计算机] 模拟运算表
3. a flat surface, in particular
• 平面,尤指
  [Architecture] a flat, typically rectangular, vertical surface
[建筑] 檐板
  a horizontal moulding, especially a cornice
• 水平模制(尤指檐口)
  a slab of wood or stone bearing an inscription
• 木匾;石碑
  a flat surface of a gem
• (宝石的)切平面
  a cut gem with two flat faces
• 有双切平面的宝石
  each half or quarter of a folding board for backgammon
• (巴加门15子棋可折叠的半面或四分之一的)棋盘
verb, [with obj.]
1. [Brit.] present formally for discussion or consideration at a meeting
[英] 正式提交讨论
 »an MP tabled an amendment to the bill.
2. (chiefly US)postpone consideration of
[主美] 暂缓考虑
 »I'd like the issue to be tabled for the next few months.
3. [Sailing] strengthen (a sail) by making a hem at the edge
[航海] 用宽贴边加固(帆)
lay something on the table
1. make something known so that it can be freely and sensibly discussed
• 摆在桌面上讨论
2. (chiefly US)postpone something indefinitely
[主美] 无定期地搁置
on the table
1. offered for discussion
• 被提交讨论
 »our offer remains on the table.
turn the tables
1. reverse one's position relative to someone else, especially by turning a position of disadvantage into one of advantage
• 扭转形势(尤指转不利为有利)
under the table
1. [informal] used to show that someone is very drunk
[非正式] 烂醉的
 »by 3.30 everybody was under the table.
2. another term for under the counter (see counter )
• 同 under the counter (见 counter)
tableful noun pl. -fuls
1. Old English tabule 'flat slab, inscribed tablet', from Latin tabula 'plank, tablet, list'. reinforced in Middle English by Old French table

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