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tail n.尾巴;尾部;跟踪者 vt.尾随,跟踪

/ teil /

1. the hindmost part of an animal, especially when prolonged beyond the rest of the body, such as the flexible extension of the backbone in a vertebrate, the feathers at the hind end of a bird, or a terminal appendage in an insect
• 尾巴
  a thing resembling an animal's tail in its shape or position, typically something extending downwards or outwards at the end of something
• 尾状物
 »the trailed tail of a capital Q.
 »the cars were head to tail.
  the rear part of an aeroplane, with the tailplane and rudder
• (飞机)尾部
  the lower or hanging part of a garment, especially the back of a shirt or coat
• 衣服(尤指衬衫或外套背部的)下摆
  (tails)[informal] a tailcoat; a man's formal evening suit with such a coat
[非正式] 燕尾服;(男子的)晚礼服
 »the men looked debonair in white tie and tails.
  the luminous trail of particles following a comet
• 彗尾
  the lower end of a pool or stream
• (水池的)浅水端;(河流的)下游
  the exposed end of a slate or tile in a roof
• (屋瓦的)叠余外露部分
  a slender backward prolongation of each hindwing in some butterflies
• (一些蝴蝶的)狭翅须
  [Mathematics] an extremity of a curve approaching the horizontal axis of a graph, especially that of a frequency distribution
[数] 截尾
2. the end of a long train or line of people or vehicles
• (火车的)末节车厢;(人或车辆排成的长队的)尾端
 »a catering truck at the tail of the convoy.
  [in sing.] the final, more distant, or weaker part of something
• 结尾;末梢
 »the forecast says we're in for the tail of a hurricane.
  [Cricket] the end of the batting order, with the weakest batsmen
[板球] 最弱的击球手
  [informal] a person secretly following another to observe their movements
[非正式] 盯梢人
3. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)a person's buttocks
[非正式,主北美] 屁股
  (vulgar slang)a woman's genitals
[粗俚] 女性生殖器
  [mass noun] [informal] women collectively regarded as a means of sexual gratification
[非正式] [总称](作为满足男人性欲的工具的)女人
 »my wife thinks going out with you guys will keep me from chasing tail.
4. (tails)the side of a coin without the image of a head on it (used when tossing a coin to determine a winner)
• 硬币的反面
verb, [with obj.]
1. [informal] follow and observe (someone) closely, especially in secret
[非正式] 偷偷跟踪,盯…的梢
 »was it Special Branch who were tailing Mills just before the murder?
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] follow
• 跟随
 »they went to their favourite cafe—Owen and Sally tailed along.
2. [no obj., with adverbial of direction] [N. Amer.] (of an object in flight) drift or curve in a particular direction
[北美] (飞行物体)(朝…)漂移,成弧线(向…)飞去
 »the next pitch tailed in on me at the last second.
3. (rare)provide with a tail
[罕] 给…加上尾巴
 »her calligraphy was topped by banners of black ink and tailed like the haunches of fabulous beasts.
4. (archaic)join (one thing) to another
[古] 连接
 »each new row of houses tailed on its drains to those of its neighbours.
5. pull on the end of (a rope) after it has been wrapped round the drum of a winch a few times, in order to prevent slipping when the winch rotates
• 拉紧(绞索)
chase one's (own) tail
1. [informal] rush around ineffectually
[非正式] 无谓瞎忙
on someone's tail
1. following someone closely
• 紧跟,跟踪
 »a police car stayed on his tail for half a mile.
a piece of tail --› see piece
the tail of one's eye
1. [dated] the outer corner of one's eye
[旧] 眼角
the tail wags the dog
1. the less important or subsidiary factor, person, or thing dominates a situation; the usual roles are reversed
• 尾巴摇狗(处于从属地位的人或事物控制局势;本末倒置)
 »the financing system is becoming the tail that wags the dog.
  真是尾巴摇狗: 财务系统反而逐渐地在控制一切了。
with one's tail between one's legs
1. [informal] in a state of dejection or humiliation
[非正式] 夹着尾巴;灰溜溜地
with one's tail up
1. [informal] in a confident or cheerful mood
[非正式] 趾高气扬地
tailed adjective
 »[in combination] a white-tailed deer.
tailless adjective
1. Old English tæg(e)l, from a Germanic base meaning 'hair, hairy tail'; related to Middle Low German tagel 'twisted whip, rope's end'. The early sense of the verb (early 16th cent.) was 'fasten to the back of something'
tail back
1. [Brit.] (of traffic) become congested and form a tailback
[英] (交通)堵塞排成长队
tail something in (或 into)
1. insert the end of a beam, stone, or brick, into (a wall)
• 把(梁、石头、砖的端头)嵌入(墙内)
tail off (或 away)
1. gradually diminish in amount, strength, or intensity
• (数量、力量、强度)逐渐减弱
 »the economic boom was beginning to tail off.
1. [mass noun] [Law, chiefly historical] limitation of ownership, especially of an estate or title limited to a person and their heirs
[律主史] 限制继承权。 参见fee tail
 »the land was held in tail general.
1. Middle English (denoting a tallage): from Old French taille 'notch, tax', from taillier 'to cut', based on Latin talea 'twig, cutting'

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