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tap vt.轻叩,轻拍;开发;利用 n.塞子;龙头

/ tAp /

1. a device by which a flow of liquid or gas from a pipe or container can be controlled
• 龙头;阀门
  a device connected to a telephone used for listening secretly to someone's conversations
• 窃听器
  an act of listening secretly to someone's telephone conversation
• 窃听
  (也作 tapping)[Brit.] an electrical connection made to some point between the end terminals of a transformer coil or other component
[英] (电)分接头
2. an instrument for cutting a threaded hole in a material
• 螺丝攻
3. [Brit.] a taproom
[英] 酒吧
(tapped, tapping), [with obj.]
1. draw liquid through the tap or spout of (a cask, barrel, or other container)
• 旋开(桶等容器)放出液体
  draw (liquid) from a cask, barrel, or other container
• (从桶等容器中)倒出(液体)
  [常作 be tapped] connect a device to (a telephone) so that conversation can be listened to secretly
• 在(电话)上装窃听器
 »the telephones were tapped by the state security police.
  [informal] obtain money or information from (someone)
[非正式] 从…处获得钱(或信息)
 »he considered whom he could tap for information.
  exploit or draw a supply from (a resource)
• 开发(资源)
 »clients from industry seeking to tap Edinburgh's resources of expertise.
 »[no obj.] these magazines have tapped into a target market of consumers.
  draw sap from (a tree) by cutting into it
• 割开(树皮从中)取树液
2. cut a thread in (something) to accept a screw
• 在…里面攻出螺纹
on tap
1. ready to be poured from a tap
• 随时可以旋开旋塞供饮用
  [informal] freely available whenever needed
[非正式] 可随时使用的
  [N. Amer. informal] on schedule to occur
[北美,非正式] 按计划发生的
tappable adjective
1. Old English tæppa 'peg for the vent-hole of a cask', tæppian 'provide (a cask) with a stopper', of Germanic origin; related to Dutch tap and German Zapfen (nouns)
(tapped, tapping), [with obj.]
1. strike (someone or something) with a quick light blow or blows
• 轻拍;轻击
 »one of my staff tapped me on the shoulder.
  strike (something) against something else with a quick light blow or blows
• 轻轻地敲
 »Gloria was tapping her feet in time to the music.
  (tap something out)produce (a rhythm) with a series of quick light blows on a surface
• 敲出(节奏)
  write or enter (something) using a keyboard or keypad
• (使用键盘)输入
2. [常作 be tapped] [US informal] designate or select (someone) for a task or honour, especially membership of an organization or committee
[美,非正式] 指定,选择
1. a quick light blow or the sound of such a blow
• 轻敲;轻轻敲击声
2. [mass noun] tap dancing
• 踢踏舞
  [count noun] a piece of metal attached to the toe and heel of a tap dancer's shoe to make a tapping sound
• (踢踏舞鞋尖或鞋跟上的)金属片
3. (taps)[treated as sing. or pl.] [US] a bugle call for lights to be put out in army quarters
[美] (军营中的)熄灯号
  a similar call sounded at a military funeral
• 军队葬礼时吹的号声
  [Brit.] (in the Guide movement) a closing song sung at an evening camp fire or at the end of a meeting
[英] (女童子军活动中)篝火晚会上(或集会结束时)唱的结束曲
tapper noun
1. Middle English: from Old French taper, or of imitative origin; compare with clap and rap

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