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tea n.茶(叶);午后茶点

/ ti: /

noun, [mass noun]
1. a hot drink made by infusing the dried, crushed leaves of the tea plant in boiling water, and usually adding a small amount of milk
• (常加少量奶的)热茶
  the dried leaves used to make such a drink
• 茶叶
  [usu. with modifier] a similar drink made from the infused leaves, fruits, or flowers of other plants
• …(花,果)茶
 »herbal tea.
 »[count noun] fruit teas.
  [W. Indian] any hot drink, for example, coffee or cocoa
[西印度] (咖啡、可可等)热饮
2. (也作 tea plant)the evergreen shrub or small tree which produces these leaves, native to South and East Asia and grown as a major cash crop
• 茶树
3. Camellia sinensis, family Theaceae
• 拉丁名Camellia sinensis,山茶科
4. (chiefly Brit.)a light afternoon meal consisting typically of tea to drink, sandwiches, and cakes
[主英] (带有茶点的)下午茶
  [Brit.] a cooked evening meal
[英] 傍晚茶。 参见high tea
  [W. Indian] breakfast, typically consisting of a hot drink and bread
[西印度] (尤指带有热饮、面包的)早点
(teaed 或 tea'd )
1. [no obj., with adverbial] (archaic)drink tea or take afternoon tea
[古] 喝茶;吃下午茶
 »I teaed with Professor Herron.
  [with obj.] give tea to (someone)
• 供茶给…
 »I breakfast, tea, and sup my lodgers.
not for all the tea in China
1. [informal] there is nothing at all that could induce one to do something
[非正式] 无论如何都不
tea and sympathy
1. [informal] kind and attentive behaviour towards someone who is upset or in trouble
[非正式] 安慰与同情
1. mid 17th cent.: probably via Malay from Chinese [Min dialect] te; related to Mandarin chá.
--› compare char

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