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there ad.在那儿;往那儿;[作引导词表示"存在"]

/ TZE /

1. in, at, or to that place or position
• 在那里;往那里;到那里
 »we went on to Paris and stayed there eleven days.
 »[after prep.] I'm not going in there—it's freezing.
 »the opportunity is right there in front of you.
  used when pointing or gesturing to indicate the place in mind
• 那儿,那边
 »there on the right.
 »if anyone wants out, there's the door!.
  at that point (in speech, performance, writing, etc.)
• [用于言谈、表演、写作等中]在那一点上
 »‘I'm quite—.’ There she stopped.
  in that respect; on that issue
• 在那个方面;在那个问题(或那件事情)上
 »I don't agree with you there.
  [with infinitive] used to indicate one's role in a particular situation
• 在那儿(做)
 »at the end of the day we are there to make money.
2. used in attracting someone's attention or calling attention to someone or something
• [用于引起注意]喂;…啦
 »hello there!.
 »there goes the phone.
3. [一般作 there is/are] used to indicate the fact or existence of something
• 有…
 »there's a restaurant round the corner.
 »there comes a point where you give up.
1. used to focus attention on something and express satisfaction or annoyance at it
• [用于引起注意,表示满意或生气]你瞧
 »there, I told you she wouldn't mind!.
2. used to comfort someone
• [表示安慰]好啦
 » there, there, you must take all of this philosophically.
been there, done that
1. [informal] used to express past experience of or familiarity with something, especially something now regarded as boring or unwelcome
[非正式] 早就知道,没什么稀奇
be there for someone
1. be available to provide support or comfort for someone, especially at a time of adversity
• (尤指在逆境中)支持(或安慰)某人;与某人站在一起
have been there before
1. [informal] know all about a situation from experience
[非正式] 全都知道;直接了解,亲眼看到
here and there --› see here
so there
1. [informal] used to express one's defiance or awareness that someone will not like what one has decided or is saying
[非正式] 这是我最后的决定;再没有可说的;没有商量的余地;(事情)就是这样
 »you can't share, so there!.
there and then
1. immediately
• 在当时当地;当场,立即
there goes ——
1. used to express the destruction or failure of something
• 就这么完蛋了,就这么毁了
 »there goes my career.
there it is
1. that is the situation
• 情况就是这样
 »pretty ridiculous, I know, but there it is.
there or thereabouts
1. in or very near a particular place or position
• (大约)在那一带
• 大约(或大致、差不多)那样
 »forty years, there or thereabouts, had elapsed.
there you are (或 go)
[informal 非正式]
1. this is what you wanted
• 这就是你要的;拿去吧
 »there you are—that'll be £3.80 please.
2. expressing confirmation, triumph, or resignation
• 你瞧;我说对了吧;又能怎么样
 »there you are! I told you the problem was a political one.
 »sometimes it is embarrassing, but there you go.
there you go again
1. used to criticize someone for behaving in a way that is typical of them
• 你又来这一套了
there you have it
1. used to emphasize or draw attention to a particular fact
• (情况)就这样;你听着
 »so there you have it — fish and chips were a West country invention.
  used to draw attention to the simplicity of a process or action
• 就成了,就行了
 »simply turn the handle three times and there you have it.
1. Old English thær, thēr of Germanic origin; related to Dutch daar and German da, also to that and the

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