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thrash vt.痛打,鞭打 vi.打

/ WrAF /

verb, [with obj.]
1. beat (a person or animal) repeatedly and violently with a stick or whip
• 棒打;鞭打
 »she thrashed him across the head and shoulders.
 »[asnoun thrashing] what he needs is a good thrashing.
  hit (something) hard and repeatedly
• 连续重击
 »the wind screeched and the mast thrashed the deck.
  [no obj.] make a repeated crashing by or as if by hitting something
• 连续拍击;痛打
 »the surf thrashed and thundered.
  [no obj.] move in a violent and convulsive way
• 剧烈扭动,猛烈晃动,翻来覆去
 »he lay on the ground thrashing around in pain.
 »[with obj.] she thrashed her arms, attempting to swim.
  [no obj.] (thrash around)struggle in a wild or desperate way to do something
• 奋力拼搏
 »two months of thrashing around on my own have produced nothing.
  [informal] defeat (someone) heavily in a contest or match
[非正式] (比赛中)彻底击败,重创
 »I thrashed Pete at cards.
 »[with obj. and complement] Newcastle were thrashed 8–1 by the Czech team.
  [no obj., with adverbial of direction] move with brute determination or violent movements
• 奋力前进
 »I wrench the steering wheel back and thrash on up the hill.
  rare term for thresh (in sense 1)
[罕] thresh (义项 1)
1. [usu. in sing.] a violent or noisy movement, typically involving hitting something repeatedly
• 剧动,抽动(尤指连续拍打)
 »the thrash of the waves.
  [Brit. informal] a party, especially a loud or lavish one
[英,非正式] (尤指豪饮放纵的)聚会
  [informal] a fast and exciting motor race or other sporting event
[非正式] 激烈的汽车赛(或其他体育赛事)
2. (也作 thrash metal)[mass noun] a style of fast, loud, harsh-sounding rock music, combining elements of punk and heavy metal
• (融合了重金属乐和朋克音乐的)速度金属乐
  [count noun] a short, fast, loud piece or passage of rock music
• 速度金属乐曲
1. Old English, variant of thresh (an early sense). Current senses of the noun date from the mid 19th cent
thrash something out
1. discuss something thoroughly and honestly
• 反复(或彻底)讨论
  produce a conclusion by such discussion
• 通过反复讨论得出结论;通过彻底讨论解决问题

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